Campus Today Submission Form

January 13, 2020

Campus Today: Daily News for Cedarville University Faculty and Staff

We are excited to launch an internal campus newsletter called Campus Today on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. The purpose of Campus Today is to streamline communication and provide quick access to the day’s events, important announcements, professional accomplishments, and more. The Campus Today email will arrive in your in-box by 9 a.m. each weekday.

Campus Today will replace CU Around Campus, The Buzz, Caring Well updates, and most other facstaff mass emails that have quickly overtaken your inbox.

The Campus Today form can be found at the bottom of every Campus Today email, CedarInfo and the Fac/staff Resource page. You can provide images, upload files, share a URL, and request other communication methods, including social media and campus screens.

Submit an announcement for Campus Today here!

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