Intern’s Perspective | Rebekkah Reisner

October 6, 2015

“What is the library internship?”

intern1In a word, learning. The library is way more complex than I’d ever thought. There are staff positions, which can be filled by anyone, and there are faculty/librarian positions, which require a master’s degree. Both jobs are essential to library physiology.

The library’s function is to serve the patron (the students) the information they need in manners that are most helpful to them. One way is by filling interlibrary loan requests. Centennial Library sends books as far as California and as close as Wright State. Patrons can request anything because the resources are so extensive past the collection physically on campus. Books on math written by Russians or medical dosage calculation books or art and theater books or English literature analysis. Students can request sheet music too!

Cataloging new books upon arrival is a full time job. The Serials Technical Assistant tracks every newspaper, magazine, and journal that enters the library. We have hundreds!! The most obvious to the user is the never ending Circulation (until an item is withdrawn), where material is checked out, returned, and reshelved. All the staff are wonderful to meet and get to know!!intern2

The BIG question of the library today is “What is the role of the reference desk?” Are librarians being used? How can they get users closer to the information they are seeking? How are librarians teaching students about library resources? What are better resources for students? LibGuides and RefWorks are great!! I wish I’d known about them sooner. Our librarians are aware of the technology changes. They are open to suggestions to help in any capacity they can.

The CMC is a hidden library treasure. We got to learn about all the information an Education major would want. The resources for them to teach with are amazing: puppets, instruments, insects, pop-up books, board games, old fashioned phones, or rocks. We also get to pick eight children’s books to read and review. My favorite is “When No One Is Watching” by Eileen Spinelli.

intern3The internship is experiencing the working pieces of a library as it functions all around you. No two days are alike. Each day unveils a new depth to the library.

Centennial Library Intern Rebekkah Reisner is a Nursing major from Beavercreek, Ohio. She was a co-pilot (with Circulation Student Assistant Christie Kuiken) of the Library canoe in the Homecoming Canoe Race.



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