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  9. Yellow Jacket Athletics
June 30, 2020 by

Dear Future Yellow Jacket,

My name is Mitch Carr, and I am a third-generation Cedarville student studying nursing! 

I have been involved in several aspects of Cedarville University during my freshman and sophomore years. Last year I was a part of the residence life team in Lawlor Hall and absolutely loved getting more involved in the community there. I also joined the service org OPE (pronounced “ope-ee”, not “ope” like the midwesterners say when they squeeze past someone in the store). This organization has given me a lot of opportunities to make awesome friends, grow closer to the Lord, and serve in whatever capacity He has for the group. Finally, I joined the Campus Activities Board (CAB) here on campus; we get the incredible privilege to plan fun and laid-back events for the student body.

Our school may be in the middle of the cornfields, but that does not diminish the fun! Prior to being a student, a few years of my life were spent living in the town surrounding the campus. It wasn’t until I became a student that I was able to grasp how awesome of a place Cedarville is.

Despite the location, Cedarville is usually bopping. One of my all-time favorite things about campus life is the ALT nights that take place several times during a semester. Short for “alternative,” these are what CAB calls the events we put on for the student body. They’re especially fun because they provide an opportunity for students to take a break from their homework, grab some friends, and relax for several hours. Usually we’ll show a movie in our on-campus theater room, plus bring in a ton of fun activities. For example, this past year we had a karaoke night, square dancing, a 50-foot slide, archery tag, and much more! Usually an average of 800-1,200 students showed up to each Alt Night, and it is always such a blast.

Check out the photos below to see some of the fun activities you will experience at ALT nights this year! 

This coming year I’m one of the executive directors of the CAB team. My co-directors Micah and Abby and I will be leading a group of 13 students who are passionate about involvement and Cedarville life. We have the privilege of planning events that celebrate Cedarville culture, and we hope that students will make awesome memories as they enjoy fun activities and events.

I am excited for you to get to experience the fun events and all that Cedarville University has to offer.

See you all soon!

Mitch Carr | CAB Executive

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