You, a freshman in college, are sitting in the back of your mom and dad’s car. Your stomach feels like it is in your mouth out of excitement but also a little bit of nervousness. You turn into Cedarville University and it all begins. There are people clapping noodles at you and cheering and you pass a sign that says “HONK IF YOU ARE EXCITED!” Your parents lay on the horn. You are slightly embarrassed but then again, these people seem genuinely excited to see you! You get to the end of the line and make a turn. Someone runs up to your car and hands you your ROOM KEY! It is getting real now! You are at your dorm now, and everyone is unloading your car. You don’t even have to pick up a box, and in five minutes all your stuff is in your room. And so begins your 1,000 days at Cedarville University.
Cedarville University works very hard to make a Getting Started experience that leaves a lasting impact on everyone. It is one of the most fun, exciting, nerve-racking, and full weekends of your life. There is lots to do and many people to meet. Your Getting Started experience will Start on August 19 with Yellow Jacket check-in, which is described above. You will be given your key and your student ID (if needed). Then you will drive to your dorm and there will be people there to help you move in. From there you will have several hours to get settled or attend the meetings listed in the link below.
Friday evening kicks off the Getting Started week with a meeting of your STING group. These are groups of 10-12 new students as well as 3-4 returning students. The returning students will be there to guide you through Getting Started, answer any questions you may have, and just be familiar faces that you will see around campus. After you meet your group, everyone will go to Jacket Fest, a party to celebrate the beginning of your college career. This will have cornhole, music, laser tag, and much more.
Saturday morning will be a little more chill than Friday. You will have all day to settle yourself in or attend meetings again. On Saturday night all the freshmen will gather at the clocktower to get a picture of their whole class taken. This will be put on display in the lower SSC your senior year as a reminder of some pretty sweet memories and to show you how far you’ve come since freshman year. Then you will jaunt around the lake as parents, friends, and students cheer you on. You will then go to the chapel where you will attend the Getting Started Program.
Sunday will end the weekend with SGA worship. This is the first all-campus experience you will have as everyone gathers in the chapel to worship the Lord as we all start another semester. It is a sweet time to praise the Lord as we are back together for another semester and give him all our worries and cares for what is ahead of us. I have walked away from this event encouraged and excited every year!
Fall Bible Conference will follow Monday through Thursday of welcome week as well as an Ice Cream Social on Monday, Bill’s donuts on Wednesday, and a sand volleyball tournament on Saturday evening. You will start your classes, and the week will fly by. Here is the link to the complete schedule for the weekend. You can also download the Events at CU app to find a complete schedule as well as much more helpful information regarding Getting Started.
As someone who has been through this before, I would highly recommend savoring every minute you can of your time at Cedarville, especially this weekend. I know it is exciting, fun, nerve-racking, and a bit scary but be comforted by the fact that the Lord holds us in his hands. Our lives are under his control and he is guiding us through every different stage of life. We can do nothing to mess up his plan for our lives because he is sovereign. Take a deep breath and know that thousands of people have gone before you and made it through college at Cedarville University. You are ready for this and you are going to do amazing! We are excited for you all to get here and make this campus complete!

- Majoring in Nursing
- Hometown: Anderson, IN
- Coffee Order: Maple Latte
- Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 37:3-5
Tags: #cu, #gettingstarted, #welcomehome
Posted in: Campus Experience, Getting Started