October 18, 2022 by

Throughout my first few weeks here at Cedarville, I have learned the importance of staying organized. The college workload can be challenging and hard to keep up with if you don’t stay organized! So, I put together a list of organization and study tips to help you stay on top of all your work for the semester! 

Tip #1: Plan out your week ahead of time 

There is usually a lot going on here at Cedarville University during the week (which is awesome!), but planning out your week can help you properly balance schoolwork and fun events. Simply taking 15 minutes every Sunday night to look at the assignments and their due dates for the upcoming week can help you be prepared. Also, if you take the time to check what assignments you have each week it will ensure that you won’t forget about an assignment. When I am planning out my week, I write out what assignments I want to get done on which day. Planning out when I will get the assignments completed allows me to know what days I need to spend more time studying and what days I have more free time.  

Tip #2: Plan time to just study 

As a freshman, I was shocked by how many assignments I had in my classes. I thought that college was simply a lot of studying for exams; that is not the case for most of my classes. Sometimes it can be hard to plan time to just study for exams because I am too focused on completing all the little assignments. Exams are important, though, and making time to study for an exam (for me it is Principles of Biology exams!) is important! When you know you have an exam coming up, try planning a couple of different times during the week to just focus on looking over your notes or the study guide. Just remember that tests are important assignments too!  

Tip #3: Mix up where you study 

Cedarville University has a beautiful campus with many different places to study! Some people have one spot where they like to study and do homework, but sometimes mixing it up can be nice, too. When I first got to campus, I always studied in the Center for Bible and Theological Studies and because I studied there so often, I started to dread going there. The past few weeks I have been going to different buildings to mix it up more. Now I know that when I really need to focus on getting work done, I should go to the library and if I just need to read a book or complete something small, I should go to the Student Center. Also, keep looking for different study spots on campus! There are many “hidden” nooks that are perfect for getting work done. Having a great study spot can make all the difference!  

Tip #4: Mix up whom you study with 

Personally, I can be more productive when I study alone. Although, being at Cedarville has allowed me to branch out in the different ways that I study. Depending on the assignment or exam, sometimes it can be helpful to study with my friends. Having someone to keep you focused can make all the difference. If you work better with other people, try asking your friends if they want to go to the library to get a couple of assignments done. Some people even form study groups with people in their classes so they can go over the material together. After the first few weeks of classes people typically figure out what works best for them! Now I know that if I need to work on a paper I should go to the library alone, but if I need to work on a simple assignment for my math classes, working with a group of friends can be beneficial!  

Tip #5: Take advantage of resources 

When I first got to campus, I did not know how many resources there are to help me study. For many different general education classes, there are review sessions once a week that go over the material from class. These are extremely helpful if you are struggling in a class or if you just need to go over the material to understand it better. This semester I am in Principles of Biology, which has review sessions on Thursday nights. These have been very helpful, especially the week before exams. The Cove, the academic resource center on campus, also has individual peer tutoring appointments that are free (up to a certain number of hours). The Cove tutoring sessions have helped me so much in preparing for exams and understanding content. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Most professors are more than willing to help you if you are struggling.  

Tip #6: Plan time to rest 

School is important and it should be a priority, but making sure that you take breaks to get rest is also a priority! Doing fun things throughout the week can help you feel more motivated to study hard. College life is difficult to balance, but as time goes on it will get easier and you will learn what works best for you! 

Hopefully, these study and organizational steps will help you in the future! You got this, Yellow Jacket! 

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