In the World of the Education Major

November 24, 2023 by

At a university with more than 175 areas of study, choosing just one as a floundering freshman newly out of high school can feel daunting. Which one has God called me to? What will make me the most money? Am I actually good enough at anything to commit four years... View Article

Cedarville Clock Tower at Night with Lights and Large Group of Students Below

How to Not Be an 11:59 Student

October 27, 2023 by

It’s Friday night. You were about to make a Young’s run when your classmate sends you the text: Just finished my paper! Paper? Frantically, you check the Canvas calendar. Sure enough, due at 11:59 p.m. is the term paper that completely slipped your mind. You check the clock. 6:08 p.m.... View Article