Cedarville men's soccer players and Colombian soccer players praying on the field.

Playing a Game to Change the World: Soccer Ministry in Colombia

June 18, 2024 by

1 Peter 4:10 tells us to use the gifts we have received from God “to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” In Medellín, Colombia, the gift of soccer is being used by The Christian Union Sports Club as a vehicle to reach youth for Christ. Follow Dietrich Zeisloft as he shares about his GO trip to Columbia!

Carson Lopes and his bro/sis at an ice skating rink.

Day in the Life of a Business Management/MDiv Major

June 1, 2024 by

Hey guys! My name is Carson Lopes, and I am a junior here at Cedarville University. I’m currently working through two different programs at Cedarville, earning my undergraduate degree in business management, while beginning to take classes for my Master of Divinity! Though quite different focuses, I decided to study... View Article

Senait Scheie and roommate, Kaitlyn Davis, in dorm room smiling.

Day in the Life of a Social Work Student

May 25, 2024 by

Welcome to a day in my life as a senior Cedarville social work student!  7 a.m.  I begin my Tuesdays at 7 a.m., getting ready to run errands and grab coffee with my roommate. As I’m in the last year of Cedarville’s social work program, I only have social work... View Article

Three female students and one male students walking on sidewalk outside of Cedarville University's Health Sciences Center.

First-Year Fears: Overcoming College Jitters

May 14, 2024 by

Are you worried about beginning college and being away from home for the first time? Freshman year can be overwhelming and scary, but there are ways to overcome the jitters. Check out Cordelia's post to find out how!

Day in the Life of an MDiv Major

May 11, 2024 by

Hello! My name is Libby. I am in my last year of the BA/MDiv program here at Cedarville. Since I am both a commuter and a grad student, a day in my life probably looks a bit unqiue from the typical Cedarville experience. In the past, I’ve lived on campus... View Article