March 12, 2024
by Amory Davis
Printy Residence Hall Overview Among the many amazing female residence halls on campus here at Cedarville is a well-known classic, Printy Hall. Printy Hall is a unit-style dorm, housing eight women per unit with two units sharing a bathroom. There are many aspects that make Printy life so sweet,... View Article
December 15, 2023
by Jillian Basner
Do you find that you often forget commitments you’ve made? Or do you procrastinate and realize you have more to do than you thought? Whatever the case may be, I’ve probably been there. College is a unique experience that’s both amazing and stressful and being disorganized doesn’t help. However, with... View Article
November 17, 2023
by Jillian Basner
Working during college may sound daunting, overwhelming, and maybe boring. The purpose of attending college is to get a higher education, and you devote most of your time and energy toward your studies. Why work during college at all? Well, having an on-campus job would be very beneficial for you,... View Article
May 17, 2021
by Madysen "Sunny" Bailey
Cedarville is chock full of helpful resources for students. Here are just a few resources, some of which I have found particularly helpful in my college life. I hope that you find them useful.
April 30, 2021
by Abigail Baker
What apps do you have on your phone? Which do you use the most? I have to admit, Instagram, according to the apps’ insights, is probably the most used app on my phone. But do you know what’s next? No, it’s not TikTok; it’s actually a three-way tie between Google... View Article
November 25, 2020
by Chloe Metaxotos
Ah, life hacks. What would we do without them?
February 22, 2019
by Valerie Link
If you don’t know who Andrew Peterson is, then you will hopefully want to when you finish reading this.