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August 11, 2023

I would like to announce the establishment of the School of Science and Mathematics.  This announcement sounds more grandiose than it really is.  Until June of this year, we have been the Department of Science and Mathematics and capably lead by our chairman, Dr. Mark McClain.  The University has restructured the academic division and placed each academic degree program in a school.  Since all of our degrees were supported through the department structure, our department was promoted to a school.  This fall our school will consist of 32 faculty and three staff.

As inaugural Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics, I invite you to engage with me as we seek ways to better serve our students, reach out to our constituency, and expand our network of academic, research, and business partners.  Our school consists of five programs, 17 majors, and seven minors.  I would like to announce our program directors.  Feel free to reach out to them if you have specific questions about majors.

The following is a photo of last year’s faculty.  I will post this year’s photo when it becomes available.

Dr. Steven Gollmer


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