December 11, 2018 by

As a child, I was enchanted by the wonderful world contained within the Chronicles of Narnia. The conflict between Aslan and the White Witch portrayed in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was my favorite, of course. The crazy adventures in “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” were enthralling (plus, Reepicheep was adorable. Less adorable: our household hamster of the same name, who died quite quickly). “Magician’s Nephew” and “A Horse And His Boy”… those sure were books in that series.

Favorite and less favorite books aside, it’s easy to for me to say that the Chronicles of Narnia was and still is one of my favorite book series. Thus, I was very excited to go to the most recent Thursday Night Live event, “A Night in Narnia.”

The event featured a talk on the series’ author, C.S. Lewis, by Dr. DeWitt, on why Lewis changed his writing style over time, from strictly apologetic and theological works to his well known fictional writing containing Christian themes. I found this talk incredibly interesting, as it uncovered some facts about the man I didn’t know. For example, did you know that he smoked up to 35 cigarettes a day? Did you know that the main motivation for him switching to fiction was because he couldn’t figure out how to write a book on the topic of prayer?

After Dr. DeWitt’s talk, there was a short performance by Christian singer-songwriter Sarah Sparks, who performed some of her music from her album “Into the Lantern Waste,” which was inspired by the Narnia series. I found this music quite nice to listen to! I always enjoy when people create art inspired by other art, and Sarah’s performance was no exception.

After all of this was a showing of the film that many know and love, myself included, “The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe,” which sadly, I was not able to stay for. I am a busy guy and I had other stuff I had to attend to!

All together, “A Night in Narnia” was an incredibly enjoyable time. Did I mention there were snacks (including turkish delight) and hot chocolate? That has to be mentioned. It was tasty.

Till next time.

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