November 8, 2019 by

Studying is a big deal. And studying conditions absolutely cannot be less than optimal in order to be successful. You have to have the right snacks, the right pens, your desk should probably face southeast, the weather must be a specific temperature, the planets have to be aligned, and, last but not least, you must be in the right building. Fortunately for you, I am here to tell you the best study spots on campus.

Option 1: The Centennial Library

This one is a no-brainer. Actually, you probably should have a brain to study here because the library is for serious studiers only. The cubicle desks scattered throughout just ooze intelligence. (I misspelled intelligence while typing this though, so I’m not sure I should be allowed to study in the library.) However, it’s still my favorite place on campus, even if I’m not studying.

This is my favorite desk in the library because it’s near the windows and it’s toward the back, which means it’s in the quiet zone. (Although one time I did get kicked out of the library for being too loud, but that’s a story for another time). An added bonus to the library is the free mints they keep on the counter. 

Option 2: Lower SSC near Rinnova

This is my favorite between-classes spot to study. I spend 11 a.m.-12 p.m. here almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I usually get a honey latte at Rinnova (only if a cute guy is working there, of course), and then I sit at one of the tall tables and do some light reading. A lot of people do coffee one-on-ones here, but I personally think it’s too busy and loud to focus on conversation. Option 3 is better for friends.

Option 3: Upper SSC tables

The new tables upstairs are great for studying with groups of friends because they have six chairs. It’s also not as loud upstairs as it is downstairs because the ceiling is so much taller. It also has a really quiet vibe after dinner, so it’s good for concentration. 

Option 4: BTS or BTS Steps

If it’s a warm day, sitting out on the steps facing the lake is a beautiful spot to read casually. The sound of the water creates a peaceful atmosphere that is perfect for reading. This isn’t the best spot to try to work on your computer, though, because there’s usually weird reflections on the screen, and it can be hard to hold your computer in your lap. If you have to use your computer, then just head inside the BTS and go upstairs. Because there are only a few seating options up there, it can be difficult to secure a spot, but if you can, it is worth it. The large windows are amazing, and you still get the peaceful view of the lake. It does tend to be cold, so bring a sweatshirt.

There are definitely a lot of great places to study on campus, and I’m sure everyone has their own favorite spot. I have a particular tree I like to read under. If you haven’t found your lucky study spot, when in doubt, just go to the library. It’s the best.


Best of luck with your studying, everyone.

Until next time.


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