November 15, 2019 by

Ah, fall break. The glorious extended weekend that always comes at the perfect time in the semester and is always gone too soon. I’d been counting down the hours until I could go home from 168 hours (frequently letting my mom know…)

When hour 0 finally hit, I threw all my summer clothes in my car, watered my plants one last time, and grabbed my fish to hit the road.

My older sister just had a baby two weeks ago, so my first stop was to visit them. Here’s me and my niece and the new baby! Prec-ious.

I stayed up super late catching up with my parents (I’m talking almost midnight. Big. Deal.) This is my favorite part of going home. Well, technically taking a million naps and eating my mom’s cooking is my favorite part of going home, but catching up with my parents is a close second.

Speaking of which, the next day I took a minimum of three naps throughout the day, and I don’t really remember if I did anything else. I had very worthy aspirations of doing homework, but, hey, it’s supposed to be a break, right?

The highlight of my weekend was spent at my local library. Yup, you read that correctly. The library. They had a special Saturday night event and let me tell you, spending a Saturday evening at the library is an ideal day for me. The library hosted a group of service dogs for people to hang out with. My mom and I took my niece, and she had so much fun! But more importantly than the dogs, there was a little bluegrass band putting on a mini concert! The Whiskey Bent Valley Boys sure know how to put on a good show. After just a few stomps and claps, I became a bluegrass fan.

After Sunday church, I went shopping with my parents (my third favorite thing to do at home). I spent the rest of the day scrambling to get together all my winter clothes and to finish my last-minute homework assignments, including my earth science lab. For the lab, we went on a field trip this past week and collected fossils. I could be exaggerating but this lab might’ve been my favorite day of my entire life…OK, maybe not, but it was easily my favorite day of the semester. Why, you may ask? It’s because I found a trilobite fossil!! (There aren’t enough exclamation points in the world to emphasize how cool I think this is). The first thing my lab instructor said was that trilobite fossils are very rare, and we wouldn’t find any. Of course, the competitive side of me stepped out, and I ended up finding one. That was quite a long side note, but the trilobite was too cool to not include. Would definitely recommend Principles of Earth Science to everyone.

In conclusion, fall break was cool. Trilobites are cool. But mostly my mom is cool because she stayed up late Sunday night making me food to bring back to school and repotting one of my plants for me.

I arrived back on campus early this morning, and I am ready to take on the rest of the semester. 

Only 464 more hours till Thanksgiving break.

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