August 6, 2020 by

Dear Future Yellow Jackets,

You asked and I answered! Here are my responses to some of the questions that you asked! Now I am not an expert so don’t hold me to these responses but I hope you glean a better understanding of some confusion you may have had! Stay real future yellow jackets!

  • What were some of the reasons you picked Cedarville over other schools?

Cedarville is special for so many reasons, but I chose Cedarville mainly because of academics and chapel. Cedarville’s political science program includes the opportunity to study in Washington,, D.C., which I was able to be a part of last fall, and it was incredible! I also knew that the academic quality was top notch, so I knew that the education would be worth my time and investment. Other than academics, I remember being in chapel during a campus visit, and I thought to myself, “Wow. This is incredible!” Since then, chapel has become one of my favorite parts of my Cedarville experience!

  • Is college as stressful as it sounds?

Well, it depends on a number of things — how close deadlines are, how much sleep you’ve gotten the night before, and if you’ve been exercising recently. On the whole, though, I don’t find college very stressful. Don’t get me wrong, there are moments where I am stressed before a big assignment or there’s a lot on my plate, but thankfully my identity is not in the work that I have to do or the grades I hope to get. It’s in Jesus, and He promises to love us no matter what.

  • Should students wait until the first week of classes to buy textbooks or order them sooner?

Good question. I’ve done it both ways. Sometimes I can find what the professor has listed as a required textbook online or the professor says we don’t need a certain textbook. In those cases, it’s better to wait. But generally, I choose to get my textbooks before classes start.

  • Do you recommend the University Bookstore used/new option?

The University Bookstore is an incredible resource, and I have definitely used it before. It’s a really easy and simple process! I also like to check on Cedarville Classifieds (you can get there on CedarInfo), where students will sell a lot of their old textbooks, some of which have lower prices! 

  • What are some of your big plans for the semester?

I’m excited to be with friends that I’ve spent the past several years growing alongside, so a lot of my big plans include them! Aside from that, I plan to have fun, study hard, prepare for postgraduation, and apply to law school!

  • What are some things to do nearby when I come visit my brother?

Despite being in the middle of cornfields, there are a lot of awesome things to do both on campus and off. The Campus Activities Board (more commonly known as CAB) hosts Alt nights, where there is usually a movie, food trucks, and random activities. There’s a lot of coffee shops within a 30-minute radius of Cedarville, if you like coffee. And there is a great place called Clifton Mill, which serves incredible pancakes and has some great places to walk around.

  • What’s the food like in the dining hall/on campus? (I heard there’s Chick-fil-A now too!)

The food is really good. I’m no culinary connoisseur, but I’ve always been happy with the amount of options and the quality of my meals! The dining hall has a Mexican counter, a wrap station, rotisserie chicken, and an awesome salad bar. You heard right, there’s going to be a new Chick-fil-A too, which I’m excited about!

  • What is your favorite and least favorite thing about the cornfield school?

My favorite thing has got to be the community. It’s what I’m going to remember in 30 years when I look back at the time I spent at the “cornfield school,” as you call it. I’ve never experienced the kind of friendships that I’ve experienced here, and for that I am grateful. If I had to choose a least favorite thing, I would have to say that at one point during the year there is a smell in the air that I think comes from a nearby farm. Those days are probably my least favorite.

  • Any tips on studying while still maintaining a social life with friends?

Sometimes it’s better to separate the studies from the social life — that way you can fully focus on what’s in front of you. In my experience, I have always enjoyed my time more with my friends if I don’t have an impending assignment due the next morning that I haven’t spent as much time on as I should have. I also try to put my phone in a spot that I can’t reach for it every time it makes a noise. That’s been so helpful in focusing and studying well, which gives me the freedom to enjoy time with friends.

  • What’s the best part of living in the dorms?/ What’s dorm life like?

Residence hall  life has been one of my favorite parts of my Cedarville experience. So far, I’ve lived in the Hill and Lawlor, and this year I’ll be in Parker Hall (the new dorm on campus). Some of my closest friends have come from the people in my halls the past three years, and I would say that that is the best part — going back to friends at the end of the day. Dorm life is fun and exciting. The guys on my hall were a blast to hang out with — we would play rounds of campus golf or just be together and talk about real life!

  • Are there dorm Bible study groups that you can join?

Yes! Usually the RA will host a Bible study, or you can always get plugged into a Discipleship Group, which will walk through a book of the Bible or a different book throughout the year. I was in a D-Group my freshman year, and it made me close with people I didn’t know before!

  • What is the SGA?

SGA stands for Student Government Association, and it exists to be a voice for students, a voice for the administration, and a booster of campus morale. We are made up of students (some elected and some hired) and have conversations with the leadership of Cedarville, put on events for the student body, and plan and execute SGA chapels every week. 

  • The best advice for an incoming freshman to know about Cedarville?

Something that I was told as a freshman that impacted me significantly was the encouragement to get to know the people on your hall. For me, that meant to go deep with the other guys in Marshall 1, which produced some incredibly deep friendships. I would also encourage freshmen to be careful about overcommitting. You can always add more things to the schedule, but it is very tough to say no after you’ve already committed to something (or you end up being burnt out from everything you have to do).

  • What’s your favorite place/the most popular place to hang out on campus?

It might not be the most popular place, but my favorite place is the library or the lower SSC by Rinnova. I have so many good memories of studying with friends in the library and getting coffee with good friends at Rinnova. The busiest and most popular place to hang out on campus is probably the SSC because of how many students like coffee and need to eat from the dining hall!

  • What makes Cedarville unique from other Christian colleges?

While there are other great Christian colleges out there, Cedarville tops the list in my books because of its firm commitment to its convictions about the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. The staff and faculty of Cedarville care so much for their students and care so much for their relationships with the Lord, and because of that, Cedarville is a unique place of growth, care, and community. I wouldn’t want to go to school anywhere else!

  • Best guys dorm on campus, Jake? 

My favorite dorm experience so far has been in Lawlor. I lived there my sophomore year and was able to meet so many incredible guys who were passionate about their pursuits of Christ; because of them, I have a greater desire to know Him and grow in my love for HIm. Living in the Hill was awesome and the new dorm this year should be fun too, but Lawlor will always have a special place in my heart.

Jake Johnson | Student Body President

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