April 30, 2021 by

What apps do you have on your phone? Which do you use the most? I have to admit, Instagram, according to the apps’ insights, is probably the most used app on my phone. But do you know what’s next? No, it’s not TikTok; it’s actually a three-way tie between Google Keep, YouVersion Bible App, and Canvas (Cedarville’s Student Portal for assignment submissions and course content). In this post, I am going to tell you which apps I use that are the most helpful as a college student and how to navigate their proper uses.


For Taking Notes: Google Keep

If your professor allows the use of laptops in class and if you find it easier to type class notes rather than short-hand, use Google Keep. Google Keep is a note-taking app that not only works on your mobile device, but is available on your laptop through the Chrome Browser. Your notes are saved directly to the cloud, so there is no worrying if information will be deleted. This also allows for studying notes on the go, without the use of data! It also reduces the amount of distractions that can occur when using your device to take notes: It’s simple and compact design also enables the user to attach photos, share to Google docs, and many more free features!


For Studying (not cheating): Quizlet

There is some controversy circling around the use of Quizlet, and understandably so. Some students use study tools such as Quizlet to seek out entire answers for midterms or cheat codes that cut study time in half. However, Cedarville University holds its students to the highest standards of academic integrity. Quizlet, when used properly, is a highly effective tool used to enhance a student’s ability to memorize (through use of games, flash cards, and pre-made exams). I use Quizlet to organize and study for my Theology 1 & 2 courses (where the complex vocabulary needs the help of a fun, interactive game so each term sticks!).


For Projects and Posts: Canva

Not to be confused with our school’s student portal, Canvas, Canva is a design app for creatives who need to spice up their PowerPoints or other projects. A far cry from Adobe apps, which usually cost a premium, the free version of Canva has hundreds of design features to create unique and interactive PowerPoints, resumes, and even social media posts. I created numerous resume templates and even a banner for my LinkedIn profile using Canva’s amazing range of design tools. The layout is far more simplistic than Adobe apps and is perfect for any student wanting to make a presentation or resume pop with individuality.  


For Getting Together: GroupMe

Before setting foot on campus, I had no idea what GroupMe was, and all of a sudden I had four running chats by the end of the week! GroupMe helps students stay connected via a group messaging platform. Students are able to access this app via mobile device or using their laptop. It used to be hard for students with Apple products to contact group project members who had Android devices. However, GroupMe allows any mobile user to stay connected and join in the discussion. With features including polls and varying levels of notification, students are able to have separate group chats for any and every group: I currently have a  group chat with my bro-sis, unit mates, intramural soccer team, senior capstone group, and group chat specifically for my girlfriends! GroupMe is another tool to stay connected and organized in the midst of a crazy college social life.


For Growing Closer to God: YouVersion Bible App

The most important app you could have on your phone is this Bible App. Not just because it’s the Bible; if you could download one Bible app you could download 40 that look exactly the same. The YouVersion Bible app is different. Besides the obviously amazing feature of having multiple translations of God’s Holy Word at your fingertips, you also have access to hundreds of devotionals that cover a wide array of topics. It’s like having your own personal ‘Lifeway Library’ in your pocket! From pride to purity, godly goal setting to seasonally themed messages, these devotionals help the busy college student stop and take a minute to read God’s word and reflect on an encouraging narrative. The in-app reminders to pray, read my devo, or check out the app’s daily verse are convenient and help me stay focused on Christ throughout my day. It’s shareable verse feature allows me to share what I’ve been reading with friends and family, or even link my passage to my social media platforms to reach others.


Your phone is a tool that can make or break your college career. Use it wisely and with discretion, and make sure to unplug every so often to recharge your social battery with the interpersonal connections you can make while immersed in Cedarville’s amazing community!  


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