1. Student Organizations
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  6. Living on Campus / Dining
  7. Living in Southwest Ohio
  8. Health and Safety
  9. Yellow Jacket Athletics
May 27, 2021 by

So. Many. Emails. You may be someone who carefully reads each email that pops up, and then proceeds to place it in a clearly categorized folder or the “trash” folder. Or you may be someone who has to set reminders to read emails that they clicked into but want to return to later, only then to finally get back to that reminder after the email is unfortunately irrelevant. Well, I am the second person, who currently has 6,303 unread emails on my school email – I know that this would stress some of you out!

We each approach emails differently. At Cedarville, be prepared for many, many emails a day. Several come in the mornings before I even wake up. While this can be overwhelming, these emails are FULL of useful, important information about academics, updates, job openings, intramurals, organization meetings, and so many more things that you do not want to miss out on!

Below are three things you will miss out on if you don’t open your emails.


Go to the Pizza Parties!

Pizza party, donuts and coffee, you name it! Your first few months at Cedarville will be a whirlwind of hearing about involvement fairs and organization (org) meetings, signing up for discipleship groups or intramurals, and attending bro-sis activities. Don’t miss out on the fun! When you get emails from groups offering you Colonial pizza or Bill’s donuts (a few favorites of most Cedarville students), make sure that you go. The worst that could happen is that you leave with your stomach full of good food or coffee.

My freshman year, my phone lit up with an email from the Students For Life org on campus. They were inviting everyone to hear from one of the supervisors of the Miami Valley Women’s Center. I saw that there was going to be donuts and I grabbed a few friends, and we went together. It can be nerve-wracking and unmotivating to go alone – so grab a friend or four to tag along with you! After hearing her speak about her work at the center, she mentioned several volunteer positions. Before I knew it, I was excitedly talking with her about volunteer positions. In this moment, I remember the Lord first putting a passion for this ministry of young girls and women on my heart. You never know what one random welcome meeting you attend on a Tuesday night will lead to!


Trips or Other Cool Opportunities

(photo taken in Israel, March 2019)

Cedarville has so many fun opportunities to offer varying from a group bike ride to Young’s Jersey Dairy or a trip abroad. Sometimes you hear about them in chapel, from your advisor, or from your friends, but sometimes the only time you will hear about them is if you check your emails. I had the amazing opportunity to attend a 10-day trip to Israel in March 2019 with a group of Cedarville students simply because I did not scroll past an email from the chair of my department.  

If opening one email could send you on a trip across the world, would you view emails differently? Now don’t only open the email but engage with it! Sign up for that intramural sport that you’ve always wanted to play or register for the CU Outreach event or apply for the trip abroad. You won’t regret it.

(Click here to see Cedarville University’s current study/travel abroad COVID-19 regulations.)


TNL – Thursday Night Live 

(TNL worship night April 2021)

TNL stands for Thursday Night Live! These mini events on Thursday evenings are run by the Student Government Campus Community Committee and give Cedarville students a fun break from studying as they get ready for the weekend. They range from open mic nights or live music to educational discussions about the church or popular topics. One of my personal favorites was the Personality Talk from this past semester encouraging us to see the best in others and love them well.


I hope that you are excited about all that Cedarville has to offer and are ready to turn on your email notifications. I mean, you may have even opened this blog post from an email sent to your inbox! So, thanks for checking😊

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