What is the Bible Minor at Cedarville?

May 3, 2022 by

The knowledge I have gained about the Gospel and theology throughout my time in these five Bible minor classes has been so instrumental in my personal spiritual growth. I encourage you look forward to these classes in excitement of how the Lord will use them to grow your personal knowledge and love for God during your time at Cedarville. 

Should I Attend the Career Fair as a Freshman?

September 20, 2021 by

What is the fall career fair? Is it like “career day” in elementary school, and your dad came in and spoke about his riveting office job and handed out candy? While some tables and booths might have candy, the Career Fair at Cedarville is much different than that!

How Can I Stay Active At Cedarville and Beat the ‘Freshman 15’?

June 10, 2021 by

How are you supposed to stay active in Cedarville, Ohio, in the winter, when assignments, Netflix, friends, or Chick-fil-A are calling your name? When you want to get active, whether you prefer sports, lifting, rock climbing, or dancing, Cedarville offers a broad range of activities for people of all interests!

What Will I Miss If I Never Open the “Free Pizza…” Emails?

May 27, 2021 by

So. Many. Emails. At Cedarville, be prepared for many, many emails a day. Several come in the mornings before I even wake up. While this can be overwhelming, these emails are FULL of useful, important information about academics, updates, job openings, intramurals, organization meetings, and so many more things that you do not want to miss out on!