June 3, 2021 by

So you’re ready for college. You have your school supplies, decorations to finish your residence hall room with a personal flare, and books waiting at the Cedarville Bookstore. You have made sure to order your books plenty early so that they come in on time, and you have reviewed your class schedule in Cedarinfo and hit the “Buy My Books”  button for  Cedarville’s Price Comparisons to get the best deal. You’ve done all that you can do. Now you just have to wait for the first day of classes. Here are some tips to consider when you’re thinking about beginning classes, so you aren’t surprised when the workload is a little heavier or the schedule a bit more hectic than you had anticipated. 


Getting Started 

Some people (and I mean mostly me) like to have hard copies of all their syllabi so that they can highlight important information. Other people prefer to take a step-by-step approach to their semester workload. Do what works best for you. Experiment with different organizational and study techniques. Find what works for you and stick to it. There’s no one perfect way to organize, study, or prepare for classes. Something I would recommend for everyone is to download the Canvas app (the platform Cedarville uses to organize classes and the online portal you’ll submit assignments to) on your phone. It will be super helpful to quickly check a due date or assignment instructions on the go. I’ve even been known to take a quiz or two on my phone at the last minute. 


University Resources 

You’re not in this alone. If you find yourself struggling with a particular class or classes, you are not the only one. The learning curve from high school to college requires some time for adjustment, and everyone needs help from time to time. For most classes, the Cove is the first place to go for assistance. Check out their website to learn more about the tons of services that they offer or follow their social media to get updates and cool study tips. Their tutors are friendly and fun and will help you get any extra help you need to master a tricky subject. Yes, The Cove is also for A and B students who want some reassurance in a gen ed class or are having trouble mastering a tough subject. In fact, the best students are the ones who take advantage of all of their resources, so don’t miss out. If you have any kind of disability, learning or physical, the Cove will be an important part of your Cedarville experience and will give you a helping hand in enriching your academic and social experience at Cedarville. 

If you’re working on an essay or a research paper, then the Writing Center or one of the Research Librarians will be the best resources to tap into. The peer tutors at the Writing Center will help you with your paper at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to helping you figure out how to polish your writing. Setting up an appointment is easy and can be done on their website. Their services aren’t just for Composition class or other English papers; they can help you out no matter what kind of paper you are writing. With a research project (whether for Fundamentals of Speech, another oral presentation, or a research paper), the research librarians at the Centennial Library are always eager to help you delve into the library resources or order books through the OhioLink system. Check out the library’s website to find online articles through their One Search search engine, in house resources, citation help, and many more free services.  Some classes even come with their own research guides organized by department and class, which make research papers a whole lot easier. 


Trusting God for Endurance 

College isn’t a sprint – it’s a marathon. Pace yourself to prevent burnout. Staying ahead of your classwork is great, but focus on the overall picture of your college experience. You don’t have to be perfect. As long as you’re doing your best and learning, God will take care of the rest. On the other hand, don’t leave everything until the last minute. I get it, many of us work better when procrastinating until the last minute. But not all assignments can be left until the last minute and still reflect our best effort. 

In the end, trust God for the endurance to make it through a difficult class or just until the end of the semester. He is by your side and will give you the strength you need as you learn to depend on Him and not yourself. One of my favorite passages in Scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” (NLT) With that verse in mind, remember that God will guide you and give you endurance as you trust in Him. Happy studying!

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