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March 25, 2022 by

Picture this.  

It’s time to register for classes for next semester, and you are only required to take 13 credits. You can fit everything in just fine and graduate on time.  

You have a few options. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy your extra time. (Don’t get me wrong, resting is important, too, and it is crucial that you make time for it, even in the busyness of campus life). 

But why not use some of those extra credit hours to explore classes you wouldn’t otherwise take? 

I had the incredible blessing of getting to complete all of my gen-ed credits at community college through dual enrollment in high school, leaving me with some flexibility. Having the opportunity to take extra classes throughout my time at Cedarville has been such a gift. Whether you find yourself with room in your schedule or need some creative ideas for elective classes, this post is for you!  

And for those of you with majors that require more credit hours to graduate, don’t fret. I have friends different majors – social work, accounting, and pre-med molecular biology, to name a few – who have found the space to add an extra class or two that has enhanced his or her spiritual and personal growth here at Cedarville.  

In this post, I will share the three extra classes I took at Cedarville and how they have enriched my academic experience!  


Take an extra class with friends

Something to consider when you have extra space in your schedule to take a class with friends that you wouldn’t otherwise have any classes with. (I try to do that with my five required Bible minor classes, too, and take them with friends I do not see as often.) This semester, I decided to add a class to my schedule called Biblical Theology of Womanhood. My interest in this class peaked when my friends Hannah and Liv (pictured above) told me they were taking the class together and said I should join if I had any space for it. (Side note: I live with Hannah, and Liv used to live in our hall, but she got married this past December, so it’s an added bonus that the three of us get to spend time together in class). On the first class of the semester, I discovered that some other friends are also in the course, so that has been really sweet! A fun part of registering for extra classes is the possibility of some of your friends being in the class too and/or making new ones! 

This class has been very formative for my understanding of God’s design for men and women to bear His image in the world, and the special calling for women who are believers to fully embrace who God made us to be. I have learned so much about the value of living in God’s design, about the beautiful way in which He created marriage to act as a symbol of His love for the church, and the gift of walking through the pages of Scripture and encountering stories of women who God valued greatly and used for His glory.


Prepare yourself for a life of ministry  

Last fall, I had space to add World Religions. When you look for extra classes to add to your schedule, consider the value of building your framework through which to understand other religions and effectively communicate Christ’s love to a dying world. We are all called to live lives on mission, and adding a class like this one will expand your worldview and make you think!  

This class was, as could be guessed, very eye-opening for me. I grew up in a Christian home and was homeschooled, and my parents both placed a heavy emphasis on raising me to know about other religions. They struck a healthy balance between raising us in the truth and not wanting to keep us from other viewpoints in the world. This was formative in my own heart for ministry and missions and desire to see the lost around me saved.  

Taking world religions with Dr. Matt Bennett, then, was a continuation of this education. I enjoyed digging into the origins and beliefs of people all around the world and comparing them to the truth of the Gospel and the hope we have to share. It is both heartbreaking and encouraging to study these realities in our world, because we see the power of the Gospel that can break the darkest chains of man’s attempts to make it to their own idea of who God is.  

I have personally felt a draw toward missions and ministry, and whether or not this comes to fruition, I pray the Lord uses what I have learned in this class in my relationships with those of other faiths no matter what my realm of influence looks like in the future. 


Pursue a Dream   

My friend Rachel laughing during a creative writing class…very on-brand.

If you find yourself with extra time in your schedule, I encourage you to pursue classes that will help you explore something you have a proclivity toward. I used to dream of majoring in English and becoming a novelist, and I love English majors and the creative side of writing. (I can’t say I still don’t dream of writing novels someday.) And while there are many elements of creative writing in my major, Professional Writing and Information Design, I really enjoyed adding Introduction to Creative Writing to my schedule. 

This class gave me the space to write non-fiction shorts, poetry, and fiction to my heart’s content, and for a grade! I have always been a big “journaler,” but after taking that class, I have spent more time writing creatively, whether it be poetry or through journaling.  

I also loved my professor, Dr. Kevin Heath. He is a wise, kind, thoughtful man who pastors a small church in the area, and I loved sitting under his wisdom and hearing his insights on how to live in the world but not of the world. 

This class further solidified my desire to become an author someday and helped me to gain a new perspective on a different realm of the writing field that I hope to apply in the future.  

Plus, this was one of the most fun classes I have ever taken. We were all seated in groups at tables around the room, and I sat with my friend Rachel (pictured above). Our table of four had a great time getting to know each other better and growing our creativity together!  


I love my major classes, but taking a few extra classes has been a huge blessing during my time at Cedarville. They have opened my eyes, helped me learn and grow in my relationship with the Lord and in my view of the world, and have each been a marked part of my Cedarville journey.  

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