June 27, 2023 by


Hello, future Yellow Jackets! I am so excited that you have chosen to join the Cedarville family, and I’m sure you’re pretty busy making a packing list, completing your final steps to be officially enrolled at Cedarville, and many other important tasks. I can remember some things about the summer before my freshman year began. I struggled to stay in the present while also trying to mentally prepare for my first year of college. I wanted to make the most of my summer before coming to Cedarville because my time with my family and friends here in New Hampshire was very limited, as yours will be as well. Allow me to give you some tips on how to make the most of this summer.  



My parents encouraged me to apply for a summer job the summer I turned 17. After several attempts, I finally ended up with a job at McDonald’s. Originally, I was under the impression that I would only be working there for the summer, but long story short, I still have a job there. They let me keep my job there even though I can only work during Christmas and summer breaks. I’m not required to have a job at another McDonald’s near the ’Ville during the school year. Whether you already have a job or are in the process of finding one, this is a great way to save up money for college expenses before the school year begins. Take full advantage of the extra time you have to do so now. Your future self will thank you.  


Spend Time With Family and Friends 

With the above mentioned, it’s also important to set aside some time to spend with family and friends. Unless you live very close to Cedarville, your time with them is limited, so do as much with them as possible. Every summer since I was 6 about to turn 7, my mom’s side of the family has gone on a 10–14-day camping trip at Pawtuckaway State Park in Raymond, NH, about two hours from where I live. We play lots of card and board games, roast marshmallows over campfires, and do lots of biking, kayaking, swimming, and fishing.  


Serve at Your Church 

Two of Cedarville’s core values are “Love God” and “Love Others.” One way to accomplish both is to serve God’s people in His church. There are so many ways you can serve your church family. Do you like playing with kids? Inquire about helping out in the nursery or serving in Children’s Church. Do you have a musical gift? Talk to your worship leader about serving on your church’s worship team. These are just a couple of examples of ministries churches offer. Cedarville University has an emphasis on getting plugged into a local church, so why not get started now before you get there? Some churches may appreciate that you have a little experience in a particular area under your belt.  


Work on Your Relationship With God 

Once you start your 1,000 days at Cedarville University, you’ll probably struggle to carve out some quiet time every day. I know I did, and still do. I don’t say this to doom you, but I do want to warn you. Dr. White has a saying that I’ve tried to stick to in the past. He says, “No Bible, No Breakfast.” Now, this can be applied just as it says, but I know that for me, I’m not always mentally functional when I first get up in the morning. All this saying means is that you need to look for satisfaction for your spiritual hunger from God and His Word and not from the things of this world. I personally would like to try “Bible Before Phone” or maybe “No Bible, No Bedtime.” It can be easy to feel pressure to do it first thing in the morning because that’s how to “start your day off right,” but if that doesn’t work for you, find what does. God is available 24/7, anytime of day and night, and He wants to spend time with you. Start now, before the stress and pressure of assignments and a busy schedule cause you to grow distant from the Lord.  


The summer before your freshman year of college can be both amazing and stressful at the same time. You want to make sure you don’t forget anything on your packing list, but also want to take advantage of the time you do have to spend with the Lord, your family and friends, work, and serve at your church. It can be a lot to balance, especially if your family, like mine, takes a vacation or two over the summer, but it’s definitely worth it.  

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