Hello! My name is Hannah VanGeest, and I am a junior majoring in computer science. This year, I’ve been living on campus in a wonderful unit in Maddox, and I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio. Every day throughout the week is a little different, but I’m going to focus on a typical Wednesday for me for this blog.
7 a.m.
I start off the morning with a 7 a.m. gym session at the Callan Athletic Center with my good friend Gabi so we can begin our day with an extra boost of energy.
9 a.m.
By 9 a.m., we’ve gotten ready for the day and met up again to grab breakfast from the dining hall and, most importantly, a coffee stop at Rinnova, our campus’coffee shop. Most mornings I am working my on-campus job at the IT office (which is one of the best student jobs!), but I appreciate slower mornings like this as well where I can enjoy quality time with friends over a good cup of coffee.
10 a.m.
Soon enough, I head over to chapel for one of my favorite hours in the morning. I am so grateful I get to worship side by side with my friends daily and hear the Word of God preached routinely, which just aligns my day to focus more on God in a way that truly brings me comfort and joy.
This year, the faculty sermon series has been teaching through 1 and 2 Samuel, and I have really appreciated learning about God’s faithfulness that shows up consistently throughout the Old and New Testaments.
11 a.m.
After chapel, I meet up with a small group of girls who I have been friends with since practically day one of college to get lunch and catch up on the week together. All of us are computer science majors, and it is such a blessing to be surrounded with such lovely people in and out of the classroom.
12 p.m.
By noon, I am off to my first class of the day: Software Security. I am in the cyber operations track of my major, and this semester, the majority of my classes are geared toward that focus. For instance, I take Software Security and Cyber Operations back-to-back, with the former concentrated on building secure software and the latter centered around adversarial thinking and tactics. Both are lab-based classes, and it has been truly encouraging to learn so much that I can apply to my career path.
3 p.m.
After these two classes, I have a free hour, and I typically work on my homework in the library nearby, or it may be time for me to make another coffee for myself back at my dorm. Either way, it is nice that it is a relatively short walk anywhere on campus, as soon enough I will have to get to my last class of the day — Intro to Evangelism. This class is not required for the Bible minor, but a friend of mine and I chose to take it as an elective because we have heard amazing reviews of the class and knew the course would have a positive effect on our lives. Surely enough, this class has been genuinely life-altering in how it has impacted my view of the gospel and evangelism, and I highly recommend that if anyone can fit an extra class in their schedule, they ought to take this class!
4 p.m.
Now, by 4 p.m., I have finished with classes for the day, and I typically find my friends in the library to settle down and get homework done. Since I’m an early riser, I do not tend to work on homework late at night, and it is my goal every night to get back to Maddox with plenty of time to wind down and do my devotions, as well as catch up with my roommate on the day’s events.
In particular, I highly recommend setting aside some time in the morning or evening to spend time with God — college can be so busy, but do not let your relationship with God take a backseat in your life! Thankfully, at Cedarville you can easily find community that encourages you to seek God daily, and I am grateful for how God has used this university to grow me in so many areas of my life.

Year: Junior
Major: Computer Science
Tags: #college, #experience, #studentlife, #students
Posted in: College Life, Experience, Student Guide, Student Life