October 1, 2024 by

College life is no doubt busy and hectic, but in the midst of all the mayhem, we must never neglect our duty as followers of Christ to share the Gospel with those around us and love our communities well. To help you as you seek to get involved serving in the local community, Cedarville offers many opportunities to serve with their Global Outreach local ministry teams.

Global Outreach is known for their international and domestic mission trips, but they also offer opportunities in the surrounding communities. In this article, we are going to be discussing the value of these ministry teams and how to get involved!

Why Should You Get Involved?

Here at Cedarville, we are constantly surrounded by other believers who are in a very similar stage of life and often come from a familiar background. Cedarville is such a special and rare place, but we must be aware of the urgency of the Gospel message. We must not become complacent to the needs of our community on and off of Cedarville’s campus, and we must not become indifferent to the commands of God! Matthew 28:18–20 says:

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

What Types of Ministries Are There?

Whether you have a heart for working with kids or seniors or anyone in between, there are opportunities of all sorts on campus. Global Outreach’s local teams include jail ministries, tutoring ministries, after-school club ministries, nursing home ministries, evangelism ministries, and so many others!

The ministries also vary in location. Some ministries mostly stay on campus, while a majority of ministries travel off campus to serve anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour away.

Amory Davis and Global Outreach team at Xenia Health and Rehab

How to Get Involved

Towards the end of Welcome Week every fall is the Involvement Fair. Amongst all the churches and student organizations, you will find many of the Global Outreach local ministries. Stop by the tables to ask them about what they do and how you can get involved. A lot of teams will also have informational meetings or social media pages to help inform people who are interested in the work they do. Get connected with the leaders and team members, then pray for discernment as to where God is calling you to serve. And of course, trust Him where He leads.

However, if you miss the Involvement Fair or learn about these opportunities after the first few weeks of the school year, don’t worry! There’s still room for you to serve! You can find all the Global Outreach local ministries on their website. You can find all of the current Global Outreach local teams and even the leaders’ contact information so you can reach out to them with any questions. If you find a ministry there that you feel called to serve with, simply email the leader(s) asking how you can get involved, and they would be more than happy to get you plugged in!

Amory Davis and teammates with a nursing home resident

Tips for Serving:

As you start serving faithfully with a ministry, here are a few tips to remember!

  • Show Up Consistently!

Once you commit to the ministry you will be serving with, you should show up as consistently as you can. Of course, perfect attendance is not expected, but it definitely helps to develop relationships with both those whom you are serving and those you are serving with. What better way to minister than to be dedicated to consistently loving the lost?

  • Be Present!

When you go to serve, be wholeheartedly invested in the work you are doing. It can be so easy to be distracted by all of the things going on in life, from homework to friends to family and so much more! However, when you go to serve, strive to not be half-heartedly involved. Devote yourself to those you are serving and to the message you are proclaiming!

  • PRAY!

Finally, prayer is vital to the work of ministry. Even when the task feels small or insignificant, God can do mighty things! He works through faithful, wholehearted obedience, and we should be willing to do so! The most important aspect of ministry to remember when you serve is to lift it all up to the Lord in prayer.

Serving with these ministries is one of the most meaningful activities you can participate in during your time at Cedarville, and I say that from experience. I cannot even begin to name all of the benefits that I have experienced from serving on a local ministry team! I have been able to create sweet friendships with those I am serving alongside, develop skills for sharing my faith, experience beautiful relationships with those whom I am serving, and of course see God’s faithfulness to work through my simple obedience many times!

Do not take these opportunities for granted! Pour into the community that surrounds Cedarville throughout your 1000 Days by sharing the Gospel with those longing for hope, love, and salvation!

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