March 12, 2025 by

Maybe you’ve heard the myth of the “freshman 15,” where students go off to college and completely lose their healthy habits when provided with the freedom of adulthood. Starting college brings so many changes, and many new students don’t think about just how much their habits might change in this new phase of life. I know I didn’t! Before I came to college, I was worried I wouldn’t ever find the time to exercise. 

I was incredibly active growing up. I started playing soccer at the age of five and grew to love it, playing until I graduated high school. I was worried I would lose that part of me when I came to school, and although things did change, I still love to exercise, and Cedarville provides so many ways to do so. 

Make a Habit of Going to the Gym 

One of the obvious options for exercise is the campus gym. The gym offers a wide variety of equipment, such as free weights, machines, treadmills, an exercise studio, and an indoor track. There are even indoor courts you can book to play basketball, volleyball, or racquetball. With all of these things accounted for, the gym provides more than enough equipment for students to use. When I toured Cedarville, one of the things I knew I wanted was a good gym, and our gym has certainly given me what I was looking for. 

Something that has helped me with exercising regularly is planning my schedule. Every semester, I look at my class times and account for studying, eating, and hanging out with friends before deciding what time works best to exercise. Each semester is different, but deciding right away when to exercise can be really helpful in getting yourself into a routine. 

Student walking on a treadmill in the Doden Field House.

Indoor track in the Doden Field House.

Exercise With Friends! 

Not only does the gym have ways to exercise individually, but it also offers different group classes each semester. This semester, my friends and I decided to start taking a Zumba class. If you have no idea what that is, don’t worry — we didn’t either! I found out very quickly that it requires a lot of dancing and rhythm, both of which I do not excel at, but I had so much fun because I did it with friends. Being able to stay active is easier when you can drag a buddy along with you, even if it’s just for a walk around the lake. Some of my favorite conversations have occurred while my friends and I were on a walk.  

Intramurals are also a great way to get active with friends! Cedarville offers so many intramural sports throughout the year, so it’s as simple as finding one that sounds fun to you and your friends and signing up. 

Group of students and exercise instructors pose for photo in the exercise gym in the Doden Field House.

Two students walking on campus during the winter.

Take Advantage of Dorm Life Physical Activities  

Not only are there methods for you to work out by yourself or with a couple friends, but there are also opportunities that can come with dorm life. I’ve lived in Printy since my freshman year. Printy and Lawlor are known for being very active and connected over the year, and we have specific events that allow you to get some exercise in!  

At the beginning of the year, Printy and Lawlor both have their own competitions called Printy Wars and Lawlorpalooza. These events are so much fun. You and your unit will make up a dance, compete in the parking lot, play tug-of-war, and the two finalists will even pull a car (for Printy) or a truck (for Lawlor) to decide the victor. Three other girls and I got to do the car pull, and although we lost, it was so much fun to see just how far I could push my body.  

Printy and Lawlor also go up against Maddox and The Hill in an event called Gridiron, which is a flag football game. I also competed in that event and had so much fun getting out and playing on a team again.  

Student athletes play a soccer game.

Exercise Makes You Happy! 

I distinctly remember one time I went to the gym in a pretty bad mood. I had just bombed a paper, and I needed a way to healthily deal with my frustration. That was the day I remember doing 320lbs on the leg press machine, something I had never done before. This may seem like a random story, but it provides an example of my overall point. Exercising is proven to make you a happier person. It releases endorphins, which are the body’s happy hormones. Endorphins help reduce stress, relieve pain, and boost your mental functions. All that to say, if you’re having a bad day, it can be really helpful to get your body moving.  

It’s Worth It! 

Everything I have mentioned may seem like a lot, but it’s not overwhelming if you take the time to find a routine that’s right for you. Every semester, I have added something new to do or taken something away that I didn’t enjoy so much. It’s all up to you! Of course, you may not live in Printy or Lawlor, but if you do, I would highly recommend getting involved! Try something new, and don’t be afraid to get out and have fun! Exercising is fun! And I promise it is always worth it. Even if you have an exam to study for or a paper to write, moving your body can make a big difference, even if it’s just some sit-ups in your dorm room. Trust me, I’ve done it. So come to Cedarville ready to get active and stay active for your 1000 Days! View of a sunset over the bridge between the Dixon Ministries Center and the Center for Biblical and Theological Studies.

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