Studying Tips 101

August 25, 2022 by

If you’re reading this article, good on you. It really pays to be intentional about your academic work, especially early in your college career when you’re still working on setting new habits. There are as many ways to study as there are people, and what works for one person might... View Article

College Workload 101

August 16, 2022 by

It’s practically a joke online how often high school teachers tell their students college will be so much harder than high school. After all the preparation you’ve done for college applications, you’re probably wondering how much will be expected of you during your college education. Were those teachers right to... View Article

What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?

July 28, 2022 by

The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a College Major     It’s #2 on the list of the first three questions you’re likely to ask someone new on campus. (In order of likelihood, “What’s your name?,” “What’s your major?,” and “Where are you from?”) And this isn’t the first time you’ve... View Article

Personal Testimony of Dr. Daniel Estes

June 30, 2022 by

For Career Development for the English Major class (ENG-2020) in spring 2022, Dr. Kevin Heath asked students to form groups and choose an entrepreneurial project to aid the community, the campus, or the major. Four students collected testimonies from faculty and staff at Cedarville University to be included in a... View Article

How to Have the Best Campus Experience

June 30, 2022 by

How to Have the Best Experience on Campus (Freshman Year)  You’ve finished registration. The Getting Started helpers have moved all your boxes into your dorm and you and your parents have unpacked most of them. You’ve met your roommate and maybe a few other hallmates and looked at your schedule... View Article