July 15, 2022
by Ally Stinger
At Cedarville, one of the biggest ministries for students to be a part of is Global Outreach. Cedarville’s President, Dr. White, encourages students go on at least one GO trip, saying that it will be life-changing and that it will redefine their faith and the way they see the world.... View Article
June 29, 2022
by Katelynn Garber
How Two Weeks Can Change your Life- Mission Trips to Bethesda Outreach (South Africa) Every Cedarville University student is strongly encouraged to go on at least one missions trip during their time here. After praying that God would lead me wherever He wanted me to go, I knew it was... View Article
June 21, 2022
by Rebekah Duvall
Serving the Isolated and Undeserved in the Heart of Eswatini: The Luke Commission If you are one of the few people who are fortunate enough to know where Eswatini is, you are in the minority. I was not one of those people before this trip, so for those of you... View Article
April 28, 2022
by Jacob Hubred
This trip was a fantastic experience. It not only grew my understanding of other people groups and religions but also gave my team and I the opportunity to live out our call as Christians to minister and love them, sharing our hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
April 7, 2022
by Jacob Babb
Before I got to Cedarville my freshman year, I asked my youth pastor who had graduated from Cedarville just a couple of years prior, “What’s your biggest advice for my time at Cedarville?” He took a second to think and told me that his biggest encouragement to me and any other student at Cedarville would be to purpose to get off campus and share the Gospel with people in the local communities who have never heard it.
March 22, 2022
by Bethany Norris
Throughout my involvement in God’s Girls, five key ministry principles have proven vital for effective ministry. The Lord has led me to apply these concepts in all other areas of service. I pray that you will prayerfully consider and apply these biblical standards in your own life and ministry endeavors for the glory of God and for the good of others.
June 9, 2021
by Global Outreach
This is an excerpt from a 2021 Global Outreach trip to Zambia. Here, the students are learning much more than just hospital knowledge. The members of the team are learning the importance of thinking in heavenly ways versus concentrating on earthly comforts. We started rotations last week at the teaching... View Article
January 5, 2021
by Global Outreach
When COVID first happened, there was a lot of confusion as to what could possibly happen to the Global Outreach trips. This was an opportunity for extensive prayer, for the teams didn’t know what the outcomes were going to be. Happy New Year! We are praying for the Lord’s guidance... View Article
March 25, 2020
by Keith Holcomb
In 2020, there were a lot of changes made to a lot of people’s lives. It is easy to say that Cedarville was affected by these changes, too. The Global Outreach team at Cedarville endured these changes when all trips were canceled due to the COVID outbreak. Although this was... View Article
January 22, 2019
by Valerie Link
I’m not gonna lie, going into this Missions Conference, I was a bit skeptical. Actually a lot more than a bit: I was very skeptical. After all, right now I’m pretty sure I’m not called to full-time missions, so what would be the point of all of it? I probably... View Article