How to Make the Most of Discipleship Group

April 23, 2024 by

If you’re a freshman at Cedarville, everyone will probably tell you to join a Discipleship Group — that is, a weekly Bible study group organized by Cedarville’s Discipleship Ministries. D-groups are led by other students who have been trained as Discipleship Leaders, or DLs; DLs are led by student members... View Article

Cedarville Student Life Hacks

March 18, 2024 by

When I arrived at Cedarville University as a freshman, I was so excited to begin my 1,000 Days on campus. I wanted to meet new friends and professors, decorate my room in Willetts Hall, and start acquainting myself with the place that would be my home for the next four... View Article

Making Printy Hall Your Printy Home

March 12, 2024 by

Printy Residence Hall Overview   Among the many amazing female residence halls on campus here at Cedarville is a well-known classic, Printy Hall. Printy Hall is a unit-style dorm, housing eight women per unit with two units sharing a bathroom. There are many aspects that make Printy life so sweet,... View Article

Saving Financially for Cedarville

November 20, 2023 by

Let’s face it, college is expensive. Cedarville is a wonderful school, and I will forever be grateful for every moment I have spent here, but it hasn’t come cheap. I will admit that I’m nervous to look at the bill for classes, boarding, books, and my meal plan, but by... View Article