April 1, 2021
by Madysen "Sunny" Bailey
Hey, ya’ll, I’m Sunny, and I am a sophomore International Studies major with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies. I am also a part of the Model U.N. team on campus and the Secretary for the IJM chapter. I’m from a little town in North Carolina called Liberty.
March 29, 2021
by Hannah Salyer
My name is Hannah Salyer. I’m from Jonesborough, Tennessee, and this is my junior year here at Cedarville. I guess you could say that I’m nerdy since I love words and writing so much that I decided to major in professional writing and information design.
March 25, 2021
by Chloe Metaxotos
Ah March, the month of the mid-semester motivation slump. It’s a real thing, and it hits hard.
March 23, 2021
by Malena Jackson
Have you ever heard a college graduate say that they changed their major 600 times?
March 18, 2021
by Abigail Baker
As you think about coming to Cedarville you may wonder, in the midst of balancing your social life, academics and sleep schedule, “How am I going to find a job as a student?”
March 15, 2021
by Paul Miller
“It's You, it's always and only been You.” These lyrics, from Building 429, ring through my head when I look back on my life. I certainly do remember when I, Paul Miller, chose Cedarville.
March 11, 2021
by Hannah Deane
My name is Hannah Deane, and I have been a student at Cedarville University for five semesters, now studying Journalism. One of the biggest things that I learned when I came to college is that my mom did a lot for me, including my laundry and dishes.
January 5, 2021
by Global Outreach
When COVID first happened, there was a lot of confusion as to what could possibly happen to the Global Outreach trips. This was an opportunity for extensive prayer, for the teams didn’t know what the outcomes were going to be. Happy New Year! We are praying for the Lord’s guidance... View Article
December 18, 2020
by Angela Farlow
You may read the title of this blog and think, this is a little late — we are past Thanksgiving!
December 14, 2020
by Chloe Metaxotos
Everybody has their own little daily routine, and each one looks a little bit different. So, I’m going to give you a little glimpse into my life here at Cedarville by walking you through my typical Monday from morning to evening!