What Do I Do When My Laptop (aka my life) Crashes?

April 15, 2021 by

I sat at my desk back home during the great quarantine exodus trying to finish up my homework in the last two weeks of school. Amid balancing 18.5 credit hours of online lectures, homework, exams, and editing audio and video for my major, life was spinning out of control.

How do I Make Friends When I Get to Cedarville?

April 12, 2021 by

It’s day one of your 1,000 days at Cedarville University. Hyped-up students wearing matching yellow or blue T-shirts and waving pool noodles line the sidewalks cheering for you as you and your parents drive down University Boulevard and pull up to your residence hall. You couldn’t be more pumped.

How Do I Remain Consistent With My Quiet Time?

April 1, 2021 by

Hey, ya’ll, I’m Sunny, and I am a sophomore International Studies major with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies. I am also a part of the Model U.N. team on campus and the Secretary for the IJM chapter. I’m from a little town in North Carolina called Liberty.

How Do I Rest While In College?

March 29, 2021 by

My name is Hannah Salyer. I’m from Jonesborough, Tennessee, and this is my junior year here at Cedarville. I guess you could say that I’m nerdy since I love words and writing so much that I decided to major in professional writing and information design.

Do I Remember the Day I Chose Cedarville?

March 15, 2021 by

“It's You, it's always and only been You.” These lyrics, from Building 429, ring through my head when I look back on my life. I certainly do remember when I, Paul Miller, chose Cedarville.