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An Impactful Chapel Message

May 2, 2022 by

“Regardless of waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth, and getting dressed expecting for God to do nothing different in your life, it is time to recognize that our God can work in any situation, any person at any time and redeem and renew. It’s time to actually believe in the power that we have professed since our youth. It’s time. He is waiting.”

What is it Like Transitioning from Public School to Cedarville?

November 11, 2021 by

Each Getting Started Weekend, students arrive at Cedarville with a variety of schooling backgrounds. Many were homeschooled or attended private school or some combination of the two. Others, like me, attended a public school and experienced a significant transition as they began freshman year. There were many changes that I anticipated in my transition, and many that I was not prepared for. Here are 5 things to be aware of as you shift from public school to Cedarville.

How Do I Make My Faith My Own? 

August 19, 2021 by

Cedarville seems to be the PERFECT place to grow in your spiritual walk. But why is it that some people walk away from the faith after their time at Christian schools? College is a stage in everyone’s life where their faith is put to the test, even at Cedarville.