Why Did I Choose CU? Why Should You?
March 21, 2023Why do students choose Cedarville University? For some, it's the community that Cedarville provides. Read to find out why you should attend.
Why do students choose Cedarville University? For some, it's the community that Cedarville provides. Read to find out why you should attend.
Your first year of college is a page so blank that it can be frightening. That’s what I thought my first year, anyway. In highschool, I was super involved. There wasn’t a single day of the week during any time of the year when I didn’t have a packed schedule... View Article
The summer before you come to college is all about preparing -- preparing your heart, your closet, and your long list of items to pack.
As a proud Michigander, I often think that I am well equipped to handle odd weather. Grand Rapids, my hometown, is situated mere miles away from Lake Michigan, and with that comes round after round of heavy lake effect snow every winter. Along with that snow we also will get random weekends of 60 degree weather, often in December or January.
When I was but a wee freshman in the fall of 2015, I was starting to get overwhelmed by my 14 credit hours. I was getting stressed and depressed, which poured right into the anxiety I had already been feeling about my choice of major. I wasn’t very mentally equipped... View Article