Best Places Around Cedarville for Quiet Time With God
March 25, 2025Reading the Word is such an important part of students' 1000 Days at Cedarville University. Read Haley's post about the best spots in Cedarville.
Reading the Word is such an important part of students' 1000 Days at Cedarville University. Read Haley's post about the best spots in Cedarville.
Whether you're studying for a test or chatting with hall mates or unit mates, it's important to have a space that is both comfortable and functional. Read Maggie's tips on how to create such a space.
Finals week can be spoken of with fear, but there are ways to prepare well. Read Etheny's advice on how to do just that.
Chapel is known as the heartbeat of campus. Read Abigail's post about how to get the most out of every chapel message.
Computer Science is one the top five most popular majors at Cedarville! Read about a day in the life of Hannah, a computer science major.
Printy Residence Hall Overview Among the many amazing female residence halls on campus here at Cedarville is a well-known classic, Printy Hall. Printy Hall is a unit-style dorm, housing eight women per unit with two units sharing a bathroom. There are many aspects that make Printy life so sweet,... View Article
Hey, Cedarville Parents, this blog post is specifically for you! I thought I would share some important information/resources to all of you that will be helpful in answering some of the questions you may have or just get you farther plugged in to what’s going on in the 'Ville (as us cool kids would say)!
If you’re wondering how to make money for college, don’t worry, because Cedarville has many on-campus jobs for students. This post will give you a glimpse of what those are and how to find them!
Everyone has been there: hitting ‘send’ only to realize moments later that there was an error in your email or instant message. Sometimes that ‘undo’ prompt is just seconds too late, sending any self-respecting college student to a state of ‘shame-shock’ (that “I can’t believe I just sent that to... View Article
As you think about coming to Cedarville you may wonder, in the midst of balancing your social life, academics and sleep schedule, “How am I going to find a job as a student?”