How to Make the Most of a Discipleship Group
April 23, 2024What is a Discipleship Group, and how can I make the best of it? Read Grace's tips on making the most of D-groups.
What is a Discipleship Group, and how can I make the best of it? Read Grace's tips on making the most of D-groups.
I started out my 1,000 Days as undeclared. I was unsure of what I wanted to study, scared that I would choose a major I wouldn’t like and/or that God didn’t want me to study, and I completely dreaded the thought of changing my major if that happened. But the... View Article
Almost everyone experiences one specific “Marianas Trench” in their life — a low point from which they were convinced they’d never rise again. Mine was one particularly biting February morning my first spring semester away from home. It was early 2021, so we were all still shuffling off the snowpants... View Article
Before I came to Cedarville, my older brother told me that he had met his college best friends during his first day on campus. When it was my turn to pack up and move to Ohio, I found myself anxiously expecting to meet my lifelong best friends within the first... View Article
When I arrived at Cedarville University as a freshman, I was so excited to begin my 1,000 Days on campus. I wanted to meet new friends and professors, decorate my room in Willetts Hall, and start acquainting myself with the place that would be my home for the next four... View Article
Printy Residence Hall Overview Among the many amazing female residence halls on campus here at Cedarville is a well-known classic, Printy Hall. Printy Hall is a unit-style dorm, housing eight women per unit with two units sharing a bathroom. There are many aspects that make Printy life so sweet,... View Article
Do you find that you often forget commitments you’ve made? Or do you procrastinate and realize you have more to do than you thought? Whatever the case may be, I’ve probably been there. College is a unique experience that’s both amazing and stressful and being disorganized doesn’t help. However, with... View Article
When I was considering what college to attend, I worried that I wouldn’t have opportunities to evangelize if I attended a Christian college. In high school, you could probably find me either in my Christian home, Christian church, or Christian school. Consequently, I had very few relationships with unbelievers and... View Article
Let’s face it, college is expensive. Cedarville is a wonderful school, and I will forever be grateful for every moment I have spent here, but it hasn’t come cheap. I will admit that I’m nervous to look at the bill for classes, boarding, books, and my meal plan, but by... View Article
Trying to save money, but you want to eat out with your friends? With Macy's budgeting advice, both situations are possible. Read now to find out how to budget money while attending college!