July 20, 2022

Present struggles are often essential for future success. This doesn’t make it easy on individuals who are dealing with tragedy or difficult situations in their life. 

Becky Dufresne can relate. 

In the prime of her life, Becky was active in sports and outdoor recreational opportunities. Her love of ice hockey, which she cultivated as a high school hockey manager for the boys team at her high school in Vermont, was central to her regular activities. 

During hockey season, Becky was often found playing hockey in leagues in the Miami Valley. That all changed, however, when a normal medical checkup changed her world — but not her focus. 

Without having any normal signs of a brain tumor, like constant headaches or sharp pains near her skull, Becky was diagnosed with having a brain tumor that would require surgery, actually, seven surgeries to be exact. 

Through the course of several years, Becky underwent medical treatment between each surgery. And each time, she knew the God of her faith was with her throughout each treatment. She was not going to ask, “why me?” or question what God was doing in her life. 

Becky traveled through her journey with a brain tumor as she did on the ice — with fluid confidence and grace that comes from her relationships with Jesus.  

Today, you would never know of the challenges Becky has faced because of the brain tumor. Instead, she uses her story as a way to encourage others and point people to Jesus. 

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