Archives for Month: April 2024

S:10 E:17 | Commanding the Skies for Our Country

April 24, 2024

Taking Flight in Defense of Freedom  Amid the sea of graduates preparing to receive degrees at Cedarville University stand four young men committed to defending freedom. Thaddeus Krueger, Matthew Crum, Brent Whitley, and John Thomson are on their way to becoming pilots in the United States Air Force.  While completing... View Article

S:10 E:16 | Parker Adams

April 17, 2024

Bringing Light to the Silver Screen  In the often-murky world of Hollywood filmmaking, where violence, strong language, and other dark elements reign supreme, Parker Adams, a 2014 graduate of Cedarville University, is on a mission to illuminate the silver screen with hope and light.  Witnessing the emerging efforts of Christian... View Article

S10: E:15 | Benjamin Mays

April 10, 2024

Making a Difference on Capitol Hill In the halls of Capitol Hill, among the throng of suits and ties, one Ohioan stands out – Benjamin Mays, a legislative correspondent for Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. Hailing from Middletown, Ohio, Benjamin found his calling in the heart of Washington, D.C., but his... View Article

S:10 E:14 | Aaron Perry

April 3, 2024

Running With Passion and Purpose God’s plan for the journey is often unexpected, and this is certainly true for Cedarville University junior Aaron Perry. Having played soccer for more than a decade, Aaron learned to equate running with discipline. Poor performance on the field or in practice meant running laps,... View Article