Archives for Month: August 2024

S:11 E:9 | Alyson Punzi II

August 28, 2024

Telling God How Much Our Heart Hurts  Reach out to God with a confident and worshipful heart, even amidst your pain. Gain insight into the art of lamenting from Alyson Punzi, who tragically lost her husband at the young age of 24 and is now guiding her preschool-aged daughter in... View Article

S:11 E:8 | Alyson Punzi I

August 21, 2024

Learning to Lament: Trusting God in a Broken World When college sweethearts Frank and Alyson Punzi married in 2018, they envisioned a life filled with joy as they raised a family and served Jesus with their gifts and abilities. Two years later, after the birth of their daughter, this plan... View Article

S:11 S:7 | Dr. Jeremy Kimble

August 14, 2024

A Passion for the Church  Get ready to be inspired by a life lived with purpose and passion. In this episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast, we dive into the world of Dr. Jeremy Kimble, a man whose enthusiasm for life and dedication to his faith are nothing short of... View Article

S:11 E:6 | Dr. Gary Hoag

August 7, 2024

The Generosity Monk, a Baseball-Loving Farm Boy  Dr. Gary Hoag, known as “The Generosity Monk,” may not wear a monk’s robe or embrace a vow of silence, but he finds deep fulfillment in spending solitary time with the Lord and is dedicated to empowering ministries worldwide through Christian generosity.  ... View Article