July 9, 2024

Crossing the Big Ocean in a Little Boat 

How long would it take to row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean from the Canary Islands near Africa to Antigua in the Caribbean Sea? “Team Foar Brothers,” consisting of Thomas, Trent, and Tim Hamilton along with their nephew, Ben Clark, did it in 37 days, 10 hours, and 55 minutes.  

Discover more about their incredible journey of completing The World’s Toughest Row as Thomas returns for his second appearance on the Cedarville Stories Podcast. Then watch their exhilarating finish line video to get a glimpse of what it was like to row a little boat across the big ocean. 

During their expedition on the open sea, the team faced numerous challenges, including towering waves, relentless rains, the endless expanse of salt water, continuous physical exertion, and being constantly tossed around. It truly tested their endurance, yet they persevered through their unity, the unwavering prayers of their loved ones, and their faith in the Lord. Despite the daunting obstacles, they managed to cross the finish line successfully. 

 Their journey was not only a personal accomplishment but also a fundraising initiative, raising nearly $57,000 for Send Relief, a Baptist mission supporting Afghan refugees.  

While they found fulfillment in making a positive impact on others, they also reaped personal rewards. They were able to witness the beauty of God’s creation, the vastness of His universe, and the constant presence of His embrace. Even in the isolation of the ocean, without seeing any signs of human life for weeks, they found solace in the knowledge that they were never truly alone. 

Tune into Cedarville Stories and join them on their journey across the sea! 

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