Professor and two geology students examine rock layers

Christian Geology Program Blog

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October 19, 2014

Hi.  Welcome to John Whitmore’s blog on the happenings of Cedarville’s geology programs (both Geology and Geoscience).  Our programs are rigorous and prepare our students for graduate school or a variety of jobs after graduation.  They are unique in that we teach our students from both biblical and conventional perspectives.  Teaching in this way helps our students to develop excellent critical thinking skills.  We are also unique in that almost every geology class goes on one or more field trips.  We have been to places like the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Mount St. Helens, Dinosaur National Monument, the Rocky Mountain Front Range and Vancouver, British Columbia along with many local sites in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania (we believe the best geologists look at the most rocks).  Our students have attended about a dozen different field camps and graduate schools and have done exceptionally well compared to their peers.   Cedarville is a Christ-centered university and every student graduates with a Bible minor.

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