Professor and two geology students examine rock layers

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September 12, 2017

I’ve been invited to speak about the Coconino Sandstone at Southern Evangelical Seminary’s National Conference on Apologetics to be held October 13 & 14 at Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC.

Title: How the Coconino Sandstone of the Grand Canyon supports Young-Earth Creation and a Global Flood


The Coconino Sandstone is a well-known and recognizable rock layer near the top of the Grand Canyon.  Most interpret it as the fossilized remnants of desert sand dunes that formed about 275 million years ago.  It is often used as a “silver bullet” of how Scripture is wrong when it comes to a literal interpretation of Noah’s Flood (by Christians and non-Christians alike).  In this talk, Whitmore will summarize some easy to understand research that he and others have published which refutes old earth views of the Coconino and instead supports a view that the Coconino was formed underwater.  His research on this rock layer demonstrates how Young-Earth geologists can tackle seemingly irrefutable scientific problems and produce rigorous scientific results that are consistent with a literal historical view of Genesis 1-11.  You will walk away from this session understanding more about the Coconino Sandstone and how to defend a Young-Earth view of Scripture.

Some links to my writings on the subject of this talk:

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