Professor and two geology students examine rock layers

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August 24, 2017

This past June and July I helped teach the geology of the Grand Canyon from a young earth perspective on two Colorado River raft trips on the upper 187 miles of Grand Canyon. The June trip, sponsored by Canyon Ministries, included families, teenagers and senior citizens from all over the United States. Highlights of the trip included short hikes in side canyons, running the most spectacular white water in the United States, photography, great meals prepared by our boatmen, sleeping out in the open under magnificent skies and short teaching sessions in a spectacular classroom. Reservations for my 2018 trip can now be made on the Canyon Ministries website. 

In July, I helped teach the Canyon’s geology with Dr. Andrew Snelling on the annual Christian Leaders Trip sponsored by Canyon Ministries and Answers in Genesis. The invitation only trip included 23 pastors, seminary professors and other Christian leaders from all over the world. I think nine countries in all were represented! We had multiple teaching sessions regarding Scripture and geology. Drs. Bill Barrick and Terry Mortensen were the Bible teachers. New Cedarville Trustee and Pastor of  The Journey church in Florida, James Hilton, was on the trip as a participant. This is one of my favorite annual trips to do because of its academic nature. We have hours of great conversation regarding the finer points of Genesis, Creation, the age of the earth, Noah’s Flood and how all this fits with the geology that we had before us in the Canyon. Rafting during the day gave me a chance to think about Canyon carving hypotheses and my favorite formation– the Coconino Sandstone. 

Jumping into the river in Havasu Canyon.

Fossil footprints in the Coconino Sandstone.

Lee’s Ferry at the beginning of the Grand Canyon.

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