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Do You Know Where You Are?

August 20, 2019

Do You Know Where You Are? By Steven Gollmer How many numbers can you memorize?  Have you tried it recently?  As a freshman in college, I met a student from Chicago who participated in Pi Day competitions by memorizing digits of the mathematical constant π.  (By the way, as of... View Article

A Window into ‘Mirrorworld’

March 19, 2019

A Window into ‘Mirrorworld’ By Steven Gollmer An article in Wired magazine recently reminded me of the artificial world in which we live.  The article is titled “AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform – Call it Mirrorworld” and can be found at https://www.wired.com/story/mirrorworld-ar-next-big-tech-platform/.  Mirrorworld is seen as possibly... View Article

Let the Sunshine In

March 14, 2019

This Challenge Problem is a little dirtier than the last one. Let us start with a series of glass windows which are randomly splattered with mud. In fact each window has 40% of its surface covered with mud. On the average how many windows would you have to stack together... View Article

Trucking Strawberries – Solution

March 14, 2019

Congratulations to Nathan Lee (physics student) for coming up with the solution to the first challenge problem.  The problem was as follows: Assume you are a truck driver delivering California strawberries to the Cedarville area. When you leave southern California, you have the back of your truck filled with 10... View Article

Trucking Strawberries

February 27, 2019

Spring is just around the corner and thoughts of warm weather and fresh fruit occupies our minds, at least mine.  This provides motivation for this Challenge Problem. Assume you are a truck driver delivering California strawberries to the Cedarville area. When you leave southern California, you have the back of... View Article

Challenge Problems

February 27, 2019

Welcome to a new category for our Cedarville STEM blog.  Periodically, a challenge problem will be posed.  If you feel you have the right answer, chime in and see if you are correct.  After each challenge problem you will find a QRCode.  Connect to this link and provide your answer. ... View Article

A Crack in Creation (Book Review)

February 19, 2019

A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution by Jennifer A. Doudna, Samuel H. Sternberg Book Review by Heather Kuruvilla, February 19, 2019 Are you interested in medicine?  Ethics?  Stewardship of creation?  You should read this book. CRISPR-Cas9 technology has changed gene editing from being an... View Article

Welcome to STEM at Cedarville

February 6, 2019

Why start a blog on STEM at Cedarville.edu?  For several years the Department of Science and Mathematics had discussed ways of exposing our program both internally and externally to Cedarville University.  We have added a Facebook page to announce activities in the department and to highlight people and comment on... View Article