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May 8, 2019 by

Hey guys, I’m back here with one more senior wisdom for you. Last time, I talked about some of the wisdom a senior friend had given me: relax, don’t freak out, you’ll end up alright. This time around, I want to share some of my own wisdom, wisdom distilled through pure 1,000 days at Cedarville University, wisdom that only somebody who has reached my level of academic experience could possibly have. I’ve also already written about why you should get involved on campus and why you should make friends (though hopefully you already know those things!).

My wisdom today is this: use your time at Cedarville to grow spiritually. I know, this is a bit more a serious topic than I usually do, but it’s the most important one I possibly can hit!

I would say that this is something that I unfortunately neglected during my freshman and sophomore years. I didn’t join a discipleship group (something that has been a great encouragement to me this year), I often skipped chapel or didn’t pay attention in chapel, and I rarely went to church, if ever. Of course, this was pointing to my overall attitude at the time, one greatly lacking in caring about spiritual things.

Check out this picture of my discipleship group at Beans-N-Cream:

Luckily, since then, I’ve turned it around, something that was only possible with God’s help. And the rewards I’ve seen since coming out of my apathy have been so, so rich. I’ve grown so much in my relationship with Jesus once I started taking it seriously here at school. The community at Cedarville is so focused on glorifying Christ that it permeates almost every interaction that I have, now that I’m paying attention.

Most everybody is encouraging each other to be more like Christ, to follow Christ, and to grow closer to Christ at Cedarville. My advice then is this: don’t be like me my first two years here. Pay attention in your Bible minor classes (especially Old Testament!). Pour into your relationship with Christ from the beginning of your time herel. GO (don’t skip!) to chapel. Go to church. Join a D-Group. Encourage your friends and be encouraged.

Till next time.


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