Hello, ordinary people living an ordinary life but with exceptional talents, giftings, humor, and beauty!
I am excited to take you on the journey of my Cedarville experience, because Cedarville is a special place that has truly molded me into an entirely different person than I was when I was in high school. My life is nowhere near perfect, but by following me on my day to day you will get insight in ways that you can get the most out of your Cedarville experience.
My name is Angela Kate Farlow. And unfortunately there is no significance to my name other than my parents saying that they wanted to come up with the prettiest name. Were they successful? I guess that’s up to you to decide;).
But there is much more to me than just my name.
I am a communication major with minors in marketing, public relations, and, of course, Bible.
Yes, I am a communication major, but let me break down the stereotype right now: Just because I am a communication major doesn’t mean I love to talk. Even though I do. But it doesn’t mean I am good at it. Even though I am. But it doesn’t mean that I am going to go back and live with my parents after graduation. Okay, yeah, this one definitely doesn’t apply to me:).
All of that to say, I am so excited to see the path that God is going to lay out for me to use my major. I love nonprofit and church ministry, so that is where I most likely see myself ending up. I am currently working with middle school students at my church, and it is one of my biggest joys. The picture above is of Jenna Davis. She is in 7th grade and one of several middle school students that I have fallen in love with.
I am a lover of my family, friends, and cows, as you can see in the presents I received from my friends this year. Yeah, don’t ask questions; I will explain later. My dream is to run a marathon. I know a fake language. And I have a strange love for onions.
Also, here is a picture of my siblings, who have also shaped me into the person I am today. Even though it doesn’t look like it, I am the oldest. They are giants! Don’t know how that happened:).
A few prime moments of my Cedarville experience so far have been going on a blind date to the engineering ball, hitting the same pillar several times while walking backward giving campus tours, and losing a prospective student while hosting her in my dorm room.
You will quickly discover that I love embarrassing moments and uncomfortable situations because they are stretching and real. I want you to see the raw and fun part about being a Cedarville student!
So come join me in my quest to love people, serve God, and give a glimpse of the wonderful life of a Cedarville University student. Eeeeeep! I’m so excited!

Majoring in Strategic Communications, Class of 2020
Favorite Animal: Cow
Favorite Number: 5
Favorite Sweatshirt: Cleveland Browns Thrift Store Find
Favorite Age Group: Middle School Students:)
Favorite Vegetable: Onion
Favorite Breakfast Food: Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
Tags: #introduction, #me, #personal
Posted in: Information, Lifestyle, Student Life