You may read the title of my blog and wonder, oh my, what could be another reason why this girl loves Cedarville? But I truly feel like this reason is unique and important!
Another reason why I love Cedarville is because of the leadership, specifically our President, Dr. White.
You may think to yourself again, hmm. That is interesting but boring, so I am going to stop reading. Can I ask that you hang in there just for a bit? I promise it will be worth it:).
I have been under several different leaders in my time of living, some good, but a lot pretty bad. With that experience, I would have to say that I have never respected my leaders so much since being at Cedarville University. Dr. Thomas White, Dr. Jon Wood, Dr. Tom Mach, and my professors are truly men and women of God, and you can see this reflected in the way they interact with the student body and make decisions.
The biggest example of this to me is when Dr. White announced what the University was doing in light of the coronavirus. It came to such a shock to hear the news that Cedarville was going to remote learning, but at the time that I should have been feeling fear and anxiety, I instead felt at peace. I had every right to be sad, angry, scared, and so many other emotions but I held onto and listened to Dr. White’s words very closely. Listen to his chapel announcement on March 11 below:
I will never forget his calm words. He explained how he had come to this decision after listening to many knowledgeable people and considering the governor’s recommendations. He ended by explaining the opportunity that we had to seriously share the Gospel. We have no reason to fear and have a mission to share the Good News to others. We ended the chapel by worshipping our Savior that is never changing and always faithful.
I walked away from the chapel knowing that this was a good decision, and I wanted to do my best to support the decision in my conversations and attitude. I also walked away thanking the Lord for Dr. White and his leadership. It is truly amazing.
In a similar fashion, I have seen every leader at Cedarville University use the same direction and truly seek to find what God wants them to do.
This is so relieving to know as a Cedarville student. I know there will be times that I maybe don’t agree with a decision, but I know that I can trust and follow because our leadership is seeking wise counsel and what God wants for our University.
I can promise you that our leadership at Cedarville is always seeking what is best for the students and what God is calling them to follow. This will be such a relief as you come to learn and grow in this environment.
I wanted to share because I think it is important to know that you can trust your leadership. I am so excited for you to get to experience strong leadership. It makes the largest difference.
Until next time!

Majoring in Strategic Communications, Class of 2020
Favorite Animal: Cow
Favorite Number: 5
Favorite Sweatshirt: Cleveland Browns Thrift Store Find
Favorite Age Group: Middle School Students:)
Favorite Vegetable: Onion
Favorite Breakfast Food: Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
Tags: #cedarville, #experiences, #love
Posted in: Campus Experience, College Life, Experience, Student Life