July 8, 2021 by

As you are preparing to come to Cedarville University, you may be wondering if you have to bring a car. The answer to that question is a simple no. You are, of course, allowed to have one, but it is honestly something that you can quite frankly live without while at college. When I first came to Cedarville University, I did not have a car. However, I do have one now. Each choice has a different set of responsibilities, liberties, and difficulties. 


The pros of having a car on campus

My first few semesters I did not have a car. But during my sophomore year, I got an off-campus job that I could not walk to. Therefore, I got  a car. For this particular situation, having a car was convenient. During this time I was also going to church with my grandmother, so it made it simpler to meet her for church. It was also nice because if I was ever with friends who did not have cars and we wanted to go do something, I had my car to drive us around in. So far I have not experienced really any trouble with parking, except for the fact I am not very good at it. But Cedarville University does have lots of nice parking for their students. 


The cons of having a car on campus

While there are good things about having a car on campus, there are some less-desirable aspects as well. For instance, when you have a car on campus, you have to pay for gas and perform any sort of maintenance your vehicle may require throughout the semester. I remember my first semester as a vehicle owner, my battery died right before I had to leave for work. So, having a vehicle is not always the most convenient. Sometimes it is actually stressful. Also when you have a vehicle, you often become the designated driver. While this is fun most of the time, there are some occasions where you just don’t want to drive. While parking is usually not too difficult, there are times when the campus is busy and it is hard to find a place to park your car. 


Tips for having a car on campus

If you are able to and do decide to bring your car to campus, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you familiarize yourself with Cedarville University’s parking and vehicle policies. Also, make sure that you have an idea of good and trustworthy mechanics that are in the area and put some jumper cables in your trunk. Even if you don’t know how to use them, they are nice to have so that someone who does know how to use them can, at least, help you. 


 Alternatives to having a car on campus

However, even if you do not have a car on campus, you will survive. Sometimes I actually think it would be simpler if I did not have a car on campus. I have so many friends on campus who I can tag along to the grocery store with or to grab ice cream with, so having a car is not of the utmost importance. Often there are other students going to a church that you are interested in going to, so you can carpool. There are even Google Sheets that you can fill out to carpool with other students to the various churches. There are also university vans that can be rented out for university-approved events, such as campus ministries or driving to church.  


Cars aren’t necessary

Also, the first semester I was on campus I was hardly ever even in a car. So, as a college student, vehicles are not that necessary. Everything is within walking distance on campus. Downtown Cedarville is also only about a 15-20 minute walk from campus. So students are a short walk from several churches, restaurants, coffee shops, a thrift store, and a pharmacy. It is also not necessary to have a car in order to have a job. There are lots of on-campus employment opportunities, and then many students also have off-campus jobs downtown. Cedarville University is nice in that it is accommodating to both students who do have cars and who don’t. 

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