May 11, 2024 by

Hello! My name is Libby. I am in my last year of the BA/MDiv program here at Cedarville. Since I am both a commuter and a grad student, a day in my life probably looks a bit unqiue from the typical Cedarville experience. In the past, I’ve lived on campus in Willetts Hall (woot woot!), but this year I live at my house in Fairborn. Both experiences have been really sweet, and I’m treasuring my time with family before I graduate in the spring. 


Since I commute, my typical Wednesday starts at my house! Right now, I’m trying to start my day with a prayer from Every Moment Holy to get my heart focused on the Lord. Typically, I’ll read through a chapter of Scripture (I’m going through Genesis right now) and journal. If I don’t have time, I’ll pick up my Bible at lunchtime or in the evening. 

After that, I usually grab a quick breakfast and a mug of tea before heading out the door for my first class of the day. 

9 a.m. 

My first class on Wednesdays is Contemporary World Missions with Dr. Matt Bennett. Each week since spring break, we’ve broken up into groups and presented the best version of each side for various modern missions issues. Although neither public speaking or confrontation are my strong suits, these debates have sharpened my critical thinking skills on some tough issues in my future field. 

10 a.m. 

After that, I go to Character Colloquium with my fellow MDiv students. This class is more like a small group for those in the last year of their MDiv studies. We meet together for one hour every week to discuss practical ministry skills, life management, and what we’ve been learning from the Word. This semester, we are all reading Philippians. I’ve really loved this time together hearing everyone’s insights! 

11 a.m. 

After Character Colloquium, it’s lunch and library time! If I forget to pack a lunch, I usually go to Chick-fil-A or Tossed. These dining services are connected to the library, which is convenient when it’s rainy or I’m deep in the weeds of a research project! 

12 p.m. 

Then, I settle down in the lower library to crank out homework. I love the lower level because I’m an easily distracted human, and it’s so quiet down there. You can usually find me in a corner somewhere there during finals week, buried in books and typing furiously. 

3 p.m. 

At 3 p.m., it’s time for Biblical Care and Counseling with Dr. Oliver! I’m taking this class with several of my MDiv friends. Right now, we’re talking about how to assess the level of care someone needs in a counseling situation. We also have a couple observation projects due over the next few weeks that will help us see how counseling skills work in real-life sessions. 

4 p.m. 

Counseling is my last class of the day, so I head home at 4 p.m.! I spend some time with my family, eat a quick dinner, and then am off to church for Wednesday night events. This semester, I’m an intern at my church, so I have a leadership role in either kids’ ministry (AWANA) or youth group. Wednesdays are long, but getting to share the Gospel with kids is always life-giving for me. 

8 p.m. 

When I get home, I usually pack my lunch for the next day and finish any remaining homework. I go to bed as early as conceivably possible because I am a grandma! 

As I’m nearing the end of my time at Cedarville, I’m immensely grateful for all the people who have poured into me over the years! For the RAs, RDs, and D-Group leaders who have helped me walk more closely with Jesus. For the professors who have pushed me to excellence, nuanced my convictions, listened to my questions, given me practical wisdom for everyday life, and cared for me as a person. I’m also thankful for my friends, the peers who have loved me well and pointed me repeatedly to the Lord. 

Although my Wednesdays at Cedarville are numbered, I am leaving with a full heart. God has done such a great work in me through my time here, and I’m excited for many more students to get the same experience! 

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