Starting your first year of college can be daunting. Whether you are moving a mile up the road or flying all the way across the world, there are unknowns that come along with this exciting new experience. The main worries I faced when entering college life were about making friends, handling schoolwork, managing time, missing home, and finding a church. So how did I manage these worries and, now that I’ve moved past that stage, what would I recommend to incoming college students?
1. Making Friends
Whether you are a shy introvert or a bubbly extrovert, moving to a new place where you are immersed in a sea of new people can be stressful. The first week on campus can feel overwhelming with all the new people you are meeting, and it can feel impossible to remember the names of said people, but don’t stress about the chaos of it all. Some of these people are going to become great friends, but others you will only see in passing, and both are OK! God is going to provide you with a community He has created for you!
I recommend being intentional in trying to make good, godly friendships. Be the friend you want to have. Take a hold of the opportunities that present themselves to meet new people and grow relationships already started. God is good! Trust Him as He guides you where He desires!
2. Schoolwork and Time Management
Cedarville is an excellent school with rigorous academics. Many new students find themselves worried that they will not be able to keep up with intense coursework. My biggest encouragement is to remember that so many other students have survived this transition before you. You are not alone in this new academic journey. Professors are open to help students and genuinely care about the well-being and success of each student.
Cedarville also offers many resources to aid students as they adjust to college-level coursework and prepare them for success in college, such as The Cove, Cedarville’s academic enrichment center. The Cove offers individual and group tutoring sessions, tutoring labs, faculty academic coaching, and many other resources to help you succeed. You will get the hang of college life; give it time and take advantage of the resources available to you.
3. Missing Home
Everyone gets homesick from time to time, and the first few weeks of the semester can be hard when trying to adjust to life in a new place away from the people and places you are comfortable with. No matter how long you have been away from home, or how far away you are, there will always be moments where you miss it.
The best things to do to manage that homesickness are to treasure the times you have with those from back home and get out of your room to spend time with the new friends you are making. Do not neglect calling home; I am sure your people miss you and want to hear from you. Give it time for you to establish your roots here at Cedarville, but it’s OK to call your family and friends often!
Another important thing to remember is that you cannot lock yourself in your dorm room all by yourself. Leave your door open. Say yes when that friend invites you to get donuts. Go to your bro-sis events. Be proactive at making Cedarville your new home and, over time, you will find the homesick feelings slowly lessening.
4. Finding a Church
For most incoming students, college is the first time they will experience the process of finding a church to join on their own. Cedarville asks students to maintain the discipline of weekly corporate worship at a local evangelical church, and they provide opportunities for students to connect with local churches.
The Student Involvement Fair during Welcome Week includes many local churches that new students can make connections with and even find rides to. It can certainly be overwhelming when trying to find a church home for your time in college, but a truth to remember is that no church is perfect. So, when the worries creep in, saying that you must find the “perfect church for you,” recall that there is no such thing and trust God to lead you to the body of believers and church community He has intended in His time.
While each of my fears were very real and valid, I’d encourage you to not allow yourself to be controlled by these fears or allow them to triumph over the truth that comes from Christ. In Christ, there is nothing to fear. Though you are about to enter a great season of change, the best thing you can do is trust God, lean into Scripture, seek God in all the new and beautiful things, and remember to slow down and soak in all the new ways God is working in your life.

Major and Year of Graduation: Language Arts Education, class of 2027.
Favorite Study Spot: My dorm room or the tall tables in Tyler.
Favorite Music Artist: Chris Renzema.
Favorite Quote: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”-Jim Elliot
What do you like to do in your free time? Reading, hanging out with friends, and playing Chinese checkers.
Favorite Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:4-5.
Tags: #advice, #church, #experience, #freshman, making friends, Student Life
Posted in: Practical Tips, Student Guide, Student Life