Hey guys! My name is Allie, and I am one of the student Getting Started Directors this year. As a fifth-year student (or “super senior,” as we like to call it), I’ve had my fair share of Welcome Weeks.
Welcome Week is simply another name for the first week that students are on campus. If this is your first semester on campus, welcome! As we approach the start of the semester, you may be feeling really excited, super nervous, or somewhere in between. Trust me … that’s normal. I remember being so nervous about moving in and starting my first week on campus, but at the same time, I was excited to meet new friends. In order to help calm any nerves, let me walk you through what to expect in your first week as a Cedarville student!

Fall Bible Conference
After moving into your dorm and meeting your new roommate and hallmates over Getting Started Weekend, Monday kicks off with Fall Bible Conference. This is such a special time for Cedarville students. We all gather together in the morning at 10 a.m. and in the evening at 7 p.m. to listen to the teaching of Scripture and to worship together.
Since there are no classes on Monday, this is a great time to explore Cedarville and surrounding towns. You can invite some hallmates or new friends you’ve met over Getting Started Weekend to go for a hike at the Indian Mound Reserve (a 25 minute walk from campus), or you can go visit the different coffee shops around the area to find your new favorite spot!
Monday evening is the second session of Fall Bible Conference. This year, the evening session is followed by a birthday party for Stinger, our school mascot! This year is Cedarville’s 100th year of being the Yellow Jackets, so we simply have to throw a birthday bash. Grab your friends and head over to the SSC Lakeside Patio for ice cream and live music!
Tuesday is day two of Fall Bible Conference. The chapel schedule is the same, with one session in the morning and the second in the evening. I would encourage you to spend this day making sure you have everything you need for classes. Some professors do not allow laptops or tablets, so make sure you have notebooks for those classes. You will also want to read through your syllabi in Canvas on Tuesday before classes start on Wednesday.
I have also found it helpful to either write all of my assignments in a planner or add them all to “Tasks” in Google Calendar. Trust me, your “GCal” will become your best friend. In addition to adding your assignments to the app, I would add your classes and their locations.
After reading through your syllabi, take the time to walk the route of your classes. It is so helpful to find your classrooms before Wednesday. This helps eliminate the stress of feeling lost, and it helps you know the time it takes for you to get to your classes so that you do not show up late or fifteen minutes early. After this, head to Fall Bible Conference to close out your night!

First Day of Class Photo Booth
Happy first day of classes! Before you head to your morning class, go to the SSC Lakeside Patio for a fun “first day of school” picture with your roommate! Make sure to send it to your mom and dad, too.
This is also day three of Fall Bible Conference. Wednesday’s sessions are a great time to recenter yourself after the first day of classes. Syllabus shock is definitely real, and it can be really overwhelming. I encourage you to use this time to bring your worries and stresses before the Lord.
Also, pro tip: if possible, try to avoid getting lunch directly after classes let out, as that is when many people try to go at the start of the semester. If you wait 15-30 minutes or go during less popular times you can avoid lines.
Thursday is the last day of Fall Bible Conference, with just a morning session. I encourage you to meditate on what you learned from each of the sessions throughout the day. This is the first “free” evening of your week, so use it to do something you find restful. Establishing rest as a habit early can be beneficial in carrying the practice into your next four years.

Involvement Fair
You made it to the end of your first school week! Congratulations! With a lot going on this week, you may feel like you just want to crawl into bed and sleep until September, but can I encourage you to visit the Involvement Fair instead? Being involved on campus is a great way to establish relationships and grow friendships.
I remember going to my first Involvement Fair and wanting to sign up for every org offered. I will caution you, however, that every “yes” you say to something is a “no” to something else. Try not to sign up for too many things so you don’t burn yourself out trying to do it all.
In addition to all of the student orgs present at the Involvement Fair, there are also multiple churches and ministries represented. I want to encourage you to gather information from all of the churches present. Finding your “home church” for your next four years is crucial. Take advantage of the resources provided at the Involvement Fair!
Saturday and Sunday

Yellow Jacket Games
It’s finally the weekend! Sleep in or have a slow morning. It has probably been a long, overwhelming week, so use this day to rest. Enjoy brunch with your friends on Saturday, then go enjoy the day! When you come back, head over to the Yellow Jacket Games and either watch or join in the tournaments with your friends, STING group, or brother/sister unit/hall. This is a great opportunity to exercise, make memories with friends, and even win prizes!
Remember the Involvement Fair that you attended Friday night? On Sunday morning, pick a church from the booths that you went up to and go visit! Cedarville regularly emphasizes the importance of getting involved with your local church. If you do not have a ride, reach out to your STING leader or people in your brother/sister unit/hall and they would probably be happy to take you.
After church, tackle any homework you may have, then take a nap! You deserve it after that long week. And there you go … you made it through your first week on campus!

Biblical Studies major; Graduating December 2024
Tags: #advice, College Tip, Fall Bible Conference, First Week on Campus, Freshman Guide, Getting Started, Involvement Fair, New Students, Orientation, Student Life, Welcome Week, Yellow Jacket Games
Posted in: Campus Experience, College Life, Getting Started, Practical Tips, Student Life