Best Ways to Experience Chapel

September 15, 2022 by

I’ve often heard that chapel is the “heartbeat of campus,” and I would say that’s an accurate description. Chapel is the only time when nearly the whole student body (or all the student body, during Fall Bible Conference) gathers together to worship God and study the Word! It’s what makes... View Article

Why Every Freshman Should Work on Campus

August 30, 2022 by

Let’s be real. College is expensive. So are clothes and food and weekend plans with friends. Thankfully, there are many job opportunities on campus, including working in the dining hall, Chick-fil-A, Tossed, Stinger’s, the bookstore, the library, IT, and many others. Of course, there are also jobs off campus —... View Article

How Do I Stick to a Schedule?

July 21, 2022 by

It’s easy to become stressed at college with so much to do: attend classes, complete assignments, study for exams, join orgs, hang out with friends, go to work shifts, and catch all the campus events. It can be even more stressful if you’re a new student and this is your... View Article

A Day in the Life of a Cedarville Student

June 23, 2022 by

What Does a Day in the Life of a Cedarville Student Look Like for Me?  Everyone’s routine and schedule at Cedarville looks different — especially from major to major. Here is what a normal day looks like for me on campus, and I hope my routine gives you a good... View Article

Professor Holly Blakely’s Testimony

June 2, 2022 by

For Career Development for the English Major class (ENG-2020) in spring 2022, Dr. Kevin Heath asked students to form groups and choose an entrepreneurial project to aid the community, the campus, or the major. Four students collected testimonies from faculty and staff at Cedarville University to be included in a... View Article