Should I Attend the Career Fair as a Freshman?

September 20, 2021 by

What is the fall career fair? Is it like “career day” in elementary school, and your dad came in and spoke about his riveting office job and handed out candy? While some tables and booths might have candy, the Career Fair at Cedarville is much different than that!

What If I Feel Alone While I’m at Cedarville?

May 13, 2021 by

It is the inevitable moment. Every college student has been there, more often than we care to admit. It’s the awkward moment of scanning into Chuck’s (the dining hall) alone and eating by yourself. It goes deeper than that: walking across campus alone, studying by yourself, not having any plans on a Friday night, or sitting by yourself for church on Sunday mornings. We don’t live in an ideal world, and even at Cedarville University, there may come a time when you feel lonely. I have certainly had times where I’ve felt lonely. However, there is good news…

I’m Struggling With a Class. What Should I Do?

April 27, 2021 by

My phone lights up and dings on the dining hall table next to me. When I am eating with friends, I try not to look at my phone at all, but this notification caught and held my attention. It was from my professor whose class I had just completed an exam for that morning.

What Do I Do When My Laptop (aka my life) Crashes?

April 15, 2021 by

I sat at my desk back home during the great quarantine exodus trying to finish up my homework in the last two weeks of school. Amid balancing 18.5 credit hours of online lectures, homework, exams, and editing audio and video for my major, life was spinning out of control.

How to Thrive in College 

July 21, 2020 by

Your journey as a student will be different than mine because we’re different people, but opportunities for growth and community are everywhere -- you just have to have your eyes open to them.