Group of students at Peifer Orchards.

All About the People of Cedarville University

December 4, 2023 by

Ever since I came to Cedarville, people have been asking me what my favorite part of the school is, and I always answer, without hesitation, “The people! Without a doubt, the people!”  Growing up homeschooled, I didn’t spend as much time with people as I would have liked, and coming... View Article

Students studying by Cedar Lake

Finding Community as a Commuter

November 13, 2023 by

If I weren’t a commuter, I probably wouldn’t be at Cedarville. Just a few months before school began, my grandparents selflessly moved to a town nearby so that I could live with them while I attended college. I was beyond thrilled and grateful. At the same time, I and those... View Article

Building Friendships Your Freshman Year

October 4, 2022 by

As I waved goodbye to my family driving out of the parking lot at the end of Getting Started Weekend, a thousand thoughts flooded my mind. What would these first weeks look like? Where would God take me on this brand-new adventure of my life? Would I make friends? I... View Article

How Can I Build Community in a Hall Style Dorm?

September 30, 2021 by

Whether you are a freshman who did not choose to live in Printy or Lawlor, or you are an upperclassman moving to a hall style dorm for the first time, you may wonder how you will get to know the people in your hall. How can you build community with your hallmates? Here are 5 fun tips for building community in a hall-style dorm!

How Do I Keep In Touch With My Friends and Family Back Home?

June 17, 2021 by

Whether your family and friends are 40 or 400 miles away, it is normal to miss them while you are studying here at Cedarville. Those weeks between hugs from your mom or annoying pestering from your siblings can feel long. The time between hanging out at the mall and watching movies with friends from high school can feel like forever. Keep in touch!

What If I Feel Alone While I’m at Cedarville?

May 13, 2021 by

It is the inevitable moment. Every college student has been there, more often than we care to admit. It’s the awkward moment of scanning into Chuck’s (the dining hall) alone and eating by yourself. It goes deeper than that: walking across campus alone, studying by yourself, not having any plans on a Friday night, or sitting by yourself for church on Sunday mornings. We don’t live in an ideal world, and even at Cedarville University, there may come a time when you feel lonely. I have certainly had times where I’ve felt lonely. However, there is good news…