Carson Lopes and his bro/sis at an ice skating rink.

Day in the Life of a Business Management/MDiv Major

June 1, 2024 by

Hey guys! My name is Carson Lopes, and I am a junior here at Cedarville University. I’m currently working through two different programs at Cedarville, earning my undergraduate degree in business management, while beginning to take classes for my Master of Divinity! Though quite different focuses, I decided to study... View Article

In the World of the Education Major

November 24, 2023 by

At a university with more than 175 areas of study, choosing just one as a floundering freshman newly out of high school can feel daunting. Which one has God called me to? What will make me the most money? Am I actually good enough at anything to commit four years... View Article

The buildings across Cedar Lake, with the sun rising in the background on a cloudy day.

Finding the Right Major

July 6, 2023 by

Deciding on your college major might be overwhelming. There are so many options to choose from! Read Macy's blog to gain some advice on how to decide your major.

Discovering Your Strengths: Choosing a Major 

November 21, 2022 by

Which major should I choose? This is a question that almost everyone asks at some point before beginning college. Maybe you have a general idea of what you want to do or maybe you are absolutely at a loss. Today, I want to give you three simple steps to help... View Article

It’s OK to Change Your Major

November 14, 2022 by

  I have changed majors six times.      Yes, you read that correctly.     Since my freshman year, I have gone through six major changes.     First there was pharmacy. That lasted a semester. Although Cedarville does offer an accelerated plan, I just knew a doctoral degree wasn’t for me.... View Article

What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?

July 28, 2022 by

The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a College Major     It’s #2 on the list of the first three questions you’re likely to ask someone new on campus. (In order of likelihood, “What’s your name?,” “What’s your major?,” and “Where are you from?”) And this isn’t the first time you’ve... View Article