April 16, 2024 by

I started out my 1,000 Days as undeclared. I was unsure of what I wanted to study, scared that I would choose a major I wouldn’t like and/or that God didn’t want me to study, and I completely dreaded the thought of changing my major if that happened. But the Lord taught me a lot in that season of wondering and waiting, and in November of my first semester, I declared my major as English, and I haven’t regretted it. Making this decision is not easy, as you’re expected to know what you want to study and/or what career field you want to go into in your late teens-early adulthood. However, I have some tips based on my experience that I’d love to share with you. My goal with these tips is not to tell you what you should or shouldn’t study, but rather to guide you and point you to Christ as you make this decision. Let’s dive right in! 


Seeking wisdom and guidance from the Lord is the first and most important thing you can do when picking a major. Along with this, I encourage you to have patience. The Bible says in 1 John 5:14-15, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” He hears you when you call on Him, and He wants to talk to you. So go to Him. Tell Him all your worries, doubts, and fears about this decision. Ask Him for wisdom and discernment.  

Consider Your Interests and Hobbies 

With 175 areas of study, you’re likely to find one you’ll enjoy at Cedarville. Are you a technology genius? I’d recommend that you look into computer science or cyber operations. Do you enjoy teaching children in your church’s children’s ministry? Education might be a great fit for you. Do you, like me, enjoy writing and studying various works of literature? Come join the community of English majors! There’s something here for everyone, and though it may not be obvious right away, you’ll find something you’ll want to pursue further. 

As I mentioned in the introduction, I was undeclared until November of my first semester, and something that one of my hallmates that year told me was that it’s more important to choose a major because you love the subject than because it will get you a nice paycheck. I encourage you to take this advice to heart as you consider what you’d like to major in. 

Visit a Class 

Visiting a class can give you a taste of what a major will be like. All the professors at Cedarville are experts in their field and are abundant with knowledge that they’re eager to pass on to their students. From a general education courses like Principles of Biology all the way to one of my major classes, Survey of British Literature to 1800, I’ve been thoroughly fascinated and impressed by the wealth of knowledge my professors have. When you visit a class, you not only get a preview of what a professor is like, but you also get a little bit of insight into what topics you need to know in a particular field. You may visit an engineering class and decide you don’t want to major in engineering because you hate math. That’s OK! Or you may be unsure, and that’s OK too! This is not an easy decision and shouldn’t be made lightly. Take as much time as you need, and in the meantime, visit a class or two to help you narrow down your interests. 

Not able to visit a class in person? No problem! Cedarville’s CUinClass video project gives you the opportunity to sit in on a class, hear from our professors, and experience academics at Cedarville via on-demand video. 

Talk With a Professor in a Major You’re Interested in 

Any professor would be more than happy to tell you about the degrees their department offers and answer any questions you have. I remember my parents encouraging me to meet with an education professor because they wanted me to consider education. I was already pretty sure I didn’t want to teach, but I met with an education professor anyway. After responding to questions that the professor asked me, we both determined that education probably wasn’t the best fit for me. I wasn’t surprised and was hoping that would be the case (perhaps for the wrong reasons), but I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in. However, that meeting helped me cross one more major off my list. Sometimes, just verbally processing your thoughts with a professor can help you more clearly understand your wants, needs, and goals for your future.  

Choosing a major is probably one of the most significant decisions you’ll face as a college student, but I hope these tips will help you as you make your decision. I’d like to add that you’re not the only one going through this. There are other students in the same boat as you! 

I’d like to leave you with a couple of other things. First, don’t rush this decision. Taking this next step in your life takes time, and so often we rush into things too quickly. Slow down, pray, get some gen-eds out of the way, and explore your options. Secondly, if you should just so happen to choose English as your major, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’ve still got one more year left, so I’ll be around for a little while longer. I would love to grab a meal or coffee with you. 

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